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Takes a Crap in BF2/BF1942

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Hi all!

Extremely nice forum...very informative! I'm a moderate hobbyist... this is the 10th or so rig I've built in last 3 years.


My dilema...


New MoBo to me... had it a week. Going to be strictly my gaming rig.


Built up rig, installed OS, drivers, etc... boots fine no problem.

Added 2gb of Patriot RAM (in yellow slots, OCZ in orange) mainly 'cause I had it laying around.

Ran nTune, Coolbits... got an Aquamark score of 86490... great!

Everything runs peachey-keen, until:

Go to run BF2 & BF1942/DCF, it locks up... must hit reset to reboot.

Ok, so I uninstall the tweak video drivers I had in, plus Coolbits & nTune... re-install stock drivers that came with the vidcard. (to get things back to a baseline)

I try BF2 again, get as far as loading into a live online game, Crash To Desktop. Must reboot in order to even start game again.


Sounds like a memory issue to me... I will remove the Patriot RAM, leaving the OCZ RAM, and reset CMOS, and try again. Have everything set to default/stock.

In the meantime,

Any other thoughts, suggestions, threats or ideas?






My rig:

AMD Athlon 64 4000+ San Diego

DFI LANPARTY UT nF4 SLI-DR Expert (latest official BIOS)

OCZ Platinum 2GB (2 x 1GB) DDR 400 (PC 3200)

eVGA Geforce 7600GT 256MB (stock drivers)

(2) 80g Seagate Barracudas in RAID 0

NEC DVD/CD burner

Coolermaster 450w PSU

Windows XP sp2 (clean, fresh install)

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It's not so much the brand of RAM as it is the mixing of RAM. I'll bet that if you had run memtest with the two different types of RAM installed and populating all four DIMM slots that memtest would have popped out a ton of errors.


If you want to populate all four DIMMS your best bet is same make, same model, same size, same speed RAM in all four slots.


If you got lucky and both the Patriot and OCZ ram were running the exact same IC's, at the exact same timings, and the exact same speed, you might get them to work. Otherwise it's pretty much a complete no go.


Make sure to Memtest and Prime stress your rig to confirm complete system stability.


BF2 is a very memory intensive game, and any problems in the memory subsystem will immediately come to light, usually in the form of BSOD's or popping back out to the desktop.



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Makes sense...

In stock settings with all 4RAM rig runs okey-dokey (sheer luck no doubt)

But with BF2 being so memory stressful/dependent, the mix would make sense as culprit.

Will update as soon as I get home & yank the Patriot out.



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  • 4 weeks later...
It's not so much the brand of RAM as it is the mixing of RAM. I'll bet that if you had run memtest with the two different types of RAM installed and populating all four DIMM slots that memtest would have popped out a ton of errors.


If you want to populate all four DIMMS your best bet is same make, same model, same size, same speed RAM in all four slots.


If you got lucky and both the Patriot and OCZ ram were running the exact same IC's, at the exact same timings, and the exact same speed, you might get them to work. Otherwise it's pretty much a complete no go.


Make sure to Memtest and Prime stress your rig to confirm complete system stability.


BF2 is a very memory intensive game, and any problems in the memory subsystem will immediately come to light, usually in the form of BSOD's or popping back out to the desktop.




Agreed! I would also stay away from nTune. If you really want to use it don't do anything besides monitoring your gpu temps with it. You can use something like PowerStrip to clock your GPU. Works better. :)

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