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How do i resize and post my WC pics here ??


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Hi - its been a while i had my WC setup now - and finally i got the pictures on my computer and i said i would post them in the past - but i dont know how to post them - also i think i may need to resize them also -


can anyone explain to me how to resize them and how to post them when done - and please be a little specfic - would be helpful for me


looks pretty good - better than my old setup - i still have a few things to add and tidy up a bit more the wires - when thats done i will post again with the final result - but for now - i have pictures to post and dont know how



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thanks -- to be honest - the Fluid is not as glowing and clear as those pictures show now - its been over a month i been using it - and i see it getting a little cloudy - not sure if its the tubing or the Fluid or a combo of both - and whats strang is on the tubing coming out of the pump into the Cpu block - its showing a little red color -- not really green any more - ? i havnt a clue - this is my first time with WC -

and i am not looking to replace fluid or tubing unless its a must - so i guess it looks good for a short time only - not sure if others have the same issues or not - i used the best part from what i have been told - DD and Tygone Tubing - Fluid Xp - etc.


thanks for the compliment

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Liquid dish washing detergent does a good job of cleaning the tubing. I used a test tube cleaner and attached some twine to it to pull the cleaner through the tubing. Worked great for removing sediments etc. (was using filtered H2O because I didn't have distilled available at the time)

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ok - i will resize them larger - your right - i have a 19 lcd myself - what was i thinking :)


about the cleaning of the tubes -- what do you mean excatly - are you talking about removing everything and draining everything out of the tubes and then clean it ?


if i had to do all that - i would just replace the tubing -


but if its something i can add to the fluid - then its different


its only been a month or so - and if this will happen in that short of time - its not worth taking it apart to clean it that way -


how does everyone else take care of the Fluid - etc.



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