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Max Processor speed?

Guest Zanthros_merged

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Guest Zanthros

So I have read the directions and followed the guides ..... yet I am still left with one real simple question ...... IS THAT IT? The question is really a simple one.... In following the "Definitive Overclocking Guide" I have hit the wall .... so to speak. The wall is far lower than I expected it to be. I am wondering ..... is that it? This is the max of the processor? I realize the the truth is hard to swallow sometimes but sometime you kinda expect more ..... ya know what I mean? Anyway ... is the "max" that I hit really it?

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Guest Zanthros

It is "buggy" @ 3014mhz and locks up the OCCT testing .... also @ 3002mhz. I guess that is why everyone says "OPTY"

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Do a research and a lot of the lower stock speed Opty's will clock much better than FX 60's, especially the good stepping ones. Then again there are many that have crappy OC'ability, like what I have. Hit a wall with 300x9, and thats it. It varies from chip to chip, but a better chance is to get a good stepping. Also there was someone here with an FX 60 that hit well over 3.0 on stock vcore.

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Guest Zanthros

So if money were not an object and you could get a 939 processor of your choice and memory , keeping in mind that you were looking for the max overclock (MHZ) what would be the weapons of choice?

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Guest Zanthros

Yeah ..... I have seen Ed's spec's Nice............ I'm running 1.45 vcore .... to get there.

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I guess I would go for the FX60 again! Mine hit 3Gig right out of the box with a little more voltage! Actually core 0 is the pain. I can boot easily at 3.1Gig but core 0 won’t pass testing for not even a minute. :)

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