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Dual Prime 95 vs orthos sp 2004

Guest Karthik_merged

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Guest Karthik

I keep erroring out on Orthos SP 2004. Temps climb up higher quickly. And it stops after about 20 mins. But with 2 instances of prime 95 running (1 with affinity 0 and the other with affinity 1) my system seems to crawl, but the temps are very stable and it keeps running stable for as long as I want it to.


I have an Opty 165 OCed to 320*9 with vcore at 1.53v.


So what's the difference between the two programs and which is more preferred by OCers here ?

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Sounds like you might not be running Prime95 correctly. If you don't run it correctly it will actually only use 1 core at 100%, uses page swaping, and everything crawls.


The key is for each instance use custom (not the default blend). I select custom and change the min ftt to 1024 and memory to 700 (I have 2G). Basically you have to set the mem each instance uses to something less than 50% of your total memory.


Prime95 seems to be the test of choice here.

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Guest Karthik

Even though I fired two instances of prime 95, when I looked at the task manager one instance was running at 50% of cpu and the other was literally idling. Why is this happening even with different affinity for the two differences. I'll try the custom setting and see.


I tried ur approach and the two Prime95s are taking 50% cpu now. Thanks for your help.

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Guest Karthik

Okay I got prime to run on both the cores. Core 1 fails repeatedly whereas Core 0 runs fine. I upped the vcore to 1.52v and it still failed. Running memtest to make sure memory is not the problem. But if memory is the culprit I would expect both core 0 and core 1 to fail not just core 1. At this voltage when I run prime 95 i see core temps of 68 so I'm not sure if I want to up the voltage anymore. thoughts ???

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Guest Karthik

SmartGuardian shows CPU temp at 49c, PWMIC at 46c and chipset at 40c.

CoreTempBeta shows core0 temp at 62c and core1 temp at 63c.

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Orthos SP 2004 never worked for me. I use dual Prime or dual SP2004. I prefer SP2004 because of the nice layout and the ability to select what core to run it on. It's basically an upgraded version of Prime95 with all the bells and whistles IMO.

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I suspect your temp are holding you back. They are very, very high. Idealy you want core temps in the low 40's if not right at 40. I am surprised you see that much difference between SmartGardian and core temp with an Opty. I only see a few degrees diference at load (2-4C) between MBM5 and Core Temp.


You have a good stepping so you should be able to get decient clocking out of it. Your volts also seem high for 2880MHz. I would have guessed that for your stepping your Vcore would be more in the 1.425V range.


Make sure you followed the OC guide and worked your way up slowly. You can't really just jump to a clocking/voltage.


Something just seems wrong with your setup.

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Guest Karthik

It's core 1 that's causing me to raise the temp. I slowly dropped the vcore to 1.4v. Core 0 is running prime fine but core 1 fails in just 1 sec. BTW I'm just using 2 of my RAM sticks. I use 3 different programs to monitor temps. coretemp, smartguardian and speedfan. I think the temperature that each one reports are measured at different points. Speedfan and Smartguardian are always in step. while 1 reading of coretemp is always in step with 1 reading of speedfan. So my guess is that the coretemp reads the registry inside the cpu whereas smartguardian just measures the temp outside or just on the surface.

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Unfortunately you may have a bad processer then. It is not unusual to have a "weaker" core. In my case it is core 0. Core 0 will always fail first. So basically all my voltages are based on core 0. If I went by core 1 by vcore would always be lower for a given speed. But even so teh weaker core should still perform to a specific level. Your voltages are just too high I think for a good Opty.


Or it could still be temps. Or you might have a bad connection between your die and the IHS (still a temp issue). Your heat sink might now be seated well, the thermal paste not applied correctly or well. Who knows.

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I suspect your temp are holding you back. They are very, very high. Idealy you want core temps in the low 40's if not right at 40. I am surprised you see that much difference between SmartGardian and core temp with an Opty. I only see a few degrees diference at load (2-4C) between MBM5 and Core Temp.


You have a good stepping so you should be able to get decient clocking out of it. Your volts also seem high for 2880MHz. I would have guessed that for your stepping your Vcore would be more in the 1.425V range.


Make sure you followed the OC guide and worked your way up slowly. You can't really just jump to a clocking/voltage.


Something just seems wrong with your setup.


No, you want CPU temp (measured by SmartGuardian etc) under 50C, and therefore Core Temp around 60 most likely.


That's fine :) Hell, my Core Temp is 40C at stock with an XP-120 on a single core!

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