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Ballistix gone to hell??


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Ok, I just got a set of Ballistix Z503's and had them Priming at 275 for over 8 hours. All of the sudden, both cores fail at 8 hours, 15 minutes. Ever since then, I can't stablize them at any speed.


Now this could just be my settings being off, but I don't know. Like a moron, I changed some settings right away, so I don't know if it's because I did something and haven't been able to figure out what I changed.


So, did these things just up and die on me, or is there hope? It errors in memtest, but I can increase or decrease them via settings...

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Damnit Kingfisher, you just lost a lot of respect. You're supposed to just know what's going on, and it should be necessary to give you any info to help out, hehe.


Sorry, you just pointed out I was doing the thing I hate most; posting for help, but not giving any info. Lets see if this helps.


Dram volts: 2.80

Freq: 200,1:1

Cas: 3

Ras to Cas: 4

Min. Ras: 8

Precharge: 4

Row Cycle: 9

Row refresh cycle: 16

Row to Row: 3

Write Recovery: 3

Write to read: 2

Read to write: 3

Tref: Auto

Write Cas: Auto

Bank Interleave: Enable


Scew Control: Auto

Scew Value: 0

DDS: Auto

DDDS: Auto

Max async: Auto

Response Time: Normal

Read Preamble: Auto

Idle Cycle: 16

Dynamic counter: Enable

R/W Bypass: 16

Bypass Max: 7

32 Byte: Disable, 4x

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Make sure that you are running your vdimm at 2.8 volts. it will default to 2.6 which isn't enough for Ballistix to run properly.


Agreed! SkewdLogix where is your signature? You should make one as you agreed to the forum rules or you will be sent on vacation by the admins. :)

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Vcore is 1.300 at or below 2.8g's, which with my G. Skill was prime stable for 12+ hours. Currently, I'm testing this stuff at stock, FSB 0f 200. What gets me is that the error is always in the same address. I've reduced the errors by 99% with the above settings.

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