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What are good overclock settings for amd 165

Guest anewb ie

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Guest anewb ie

I installed an amd 165 last night (well 10 minutes ago). As an initial get the system running - I set the ram to 166 and the clock to 290. This resulted in (so far) what appears to be a stable system running at 2608 mhz (I started prime on both cpu 10 minutes ago and so far no issues - i'l llet it bake over night.


My temp is running 48 on the cpu (I'm using the stock cooler - in the bios i set hte fan to come on full at 47 - i suspect if is et the full at a lower temp the cpu would run cooler).


I'm not trying to get every last cycle out of the cpu - should i stop here or is there an obivous way to get another 10%. According to amdinfo my ram setting is;


3-3-3-7 t1 (am i going to suffer much performance setting the ram to 166?)


I should also note that the voltae is 1.35. Should I under volt to 1.3 ?


Should I try to raise the clock to 320 ? (note all settings are auto - cept the ram clock which is 166 and frontside which is 290. Given the ram tight settings i would think (perhaps) 320 would work ? Is it even worth the extra 10% or should i just leave it at the current setting ?


Bleh. I'm new at this :)

Also should i change the temp the fan kicks ina t full for the cpu or is 47-50 fine ?

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Prime for 8hr or more then you'll see if your stable. Did you run memtest on those RAM?


Check the SSDB and OCDB for timmings on those G.Skills F1's.



EDIT:That is a great thread that Praz linked for you.

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Guest anewb ie

Yea the ram is good. I just replaced a sandiego with the 165. I had previously run the san diego at 2.6ghz and the ram at 240 (rest default). It has been well tested over the past 6 months (prime95, mem86, acutal usage). Actually the first set had a bad stick but g.skill replaced it.


Praz - i had read the guide but some of the values/comments confuse me. From the guide and other people settings it seems like 166mhz is reasonable (at 290 this gives the ram a 237 setting which i know is very stable from my previous san diego).


If I understand the what other people are getting and the ram i have there is a reasonable chance I'll make 300/320 with these settings and this woudl be pretty decent? (Is my understanding correct?). (300 would give 250 on the ram and 270 on the cpu). The guide seems to suggest that ('cept in very extreme cases 166 is fine for the ht - i.e., there will be very few stalls).


I'm not really sure i'll maintain t1 if i got to 300/320 (having the ram set to auto as I currently do).


Am I understanding things correctly ?


Also - is it worth trying to lower the voltage on teh cpu to 1.3 ?

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If I understand the what other people are getting and the ram i have there is a reasonable chance I'll make 300/320 with these settings and this woudl be pretty decent? (Is my understanding correct?). (300 would give 250 on the ram and 270 on the cpu).

250 for the ram should not be a problem as that is what it is specified to run at.

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Guest anewb ie

Ok i went to 300. this puts the cpu at 2.7 which seems ok to me.

ram is 3 3 3 7 (t1)

trc: 8

trwt: 3

twcl :1

trrd 2

twtr 2


note all this is auto nothing tweaked. I'll look at Praz's spread sheet tomrorow. Can't access it from home...

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Guest anewb ie

Actually this 165 seems pretty good. I can play nwn2 with almost no obvious degregation while running two prime95 torture test (one cpu, one ram).

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Guest anewb ie

Hum. Actually I am confused about something else. The guide sez to leave the ram at 1:1 (I set it down to 166). I thought the only way to get the cpu to 2.7 was to lower the ram - am I actually making the system slower by lowering the ram or is there another divider i can use that I missed?

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The guide sez to leave the ram at 1:1 (I set it down to 166).

It is set 1:1 when finding the max speed for the ram.


Next thing we are gonna work on is finding the max of your ram.. Here is how you are gonna setup for that:


CPU/FSB Frequency Ratio (CPU Multi) This we are going to lower to the 7x multi.


LDT/FSB Frequency Ratio (LDT Multi) Keep this at 2.5x or 3x just like it was when testing the CPU..


LDT/FSB Frequency Ratio (Ram Ratio) Put this at 200 (1/01) so it will be running the same speed as your HTT now.

CPU VID Control (CPU Vcore) You can leave this at the same setting you decided to leave it at during your CPU testing.


Now you have the CPU vcore like it was during the CPU testing, the CPU Multi to 7x, the LDT Multi to 2.5x or 3x, and the RAM ratio set to 200 1/01..


There is only one more thing that you need to do before testing the ram: Learn about timings!! I’m not gonna go deep into this but I’m gonna suggest what timings are popular with some known types of ram chips. Before you go ANY further I highly suggest you read this ram guide by johnrr6 at DFI Street..

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Guest anewb ie

This is the section I was referring to that indicate 1:1 is optimal:

--- below from overclock guide @



Dram Frequency Set(Mhz)


Settings = 100(Mhz)(1/02), 120(Mhz)(3/05), 133(Mhz)(2/03), 140(Mhz)(7/10), 150(Mhz)(3/04), 166(Mhz)(5/06), 180(Mhz)(9/10), 200(Mhz)(1/01)


This is your “Divider” settings-----most people will argue that the best results come from Synchronous setup or 1:1, or in DFIs case, 1/01. All other settings are Asynchronous.

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