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cant oc past 220fsb?


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umm im not ocing the pcie lol im saying when i ocing cpu it raises the pcie and pci at the same time.


and i looked everywere in bios there nothing about pcie clock or locked or even a pci lock.


thats what im trying to figure out. because i know this is the problem.


and im asking for help about it if it has one at all and how i seen peaple overclock to 2.8ghzs to 3.0ghzs with this combo but im not sure how they even got pass 2.3 lol.


mainly all i want is atleast 2.5 2.6 or even 2.7.

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Oh. I'm glad you cleared that up, the way you said it first it appeared you were trying to OC the PCIe. I am not 100% sure, but I have read there have been several problems with the RDX200. I thought it had been quite a while (early NF3 days) since there had not been a working PCI lock. Have you asked DFI tech support? I am not sure on here who might know, if they haven't answered yet. Just search "RDX200" and see if you can find something til DFI support answers.

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this dont make sense lol very tricky board lol


i figure i try my kington pc3200 just 512mb and set it to 270 for 2.45ghzs and it booted right to windows i pop the ldt on 2.


so i figure ok i try my 2gb adata ram again just 1gb in the first slot like the kington was and it didint boot to windows.


so i tried it in the 2nd slot and put the ram in the 4th slot and put the the fps at 268 @ 2.4ghzs and it booted right to windows lol


i guess i have to keep mesing with stuff to get it going lol


tho wish it had teh locked still think it whould of oc fast.


does t-mod bios help with oc and add anything? because im useing the stock bios

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Dont use clockgen. It could be just clockgen causes the PCIE frequency to change. Changing just the FSB in the bios will not cause the PCIE clock to change unless there is some kind of defect, because it is locked. My guess is that you need to work on your ram timings. Post up all your ram timings and we can try to help you. I know for me ram timings made alot of difference.

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from everest its 3.0-4-4-8 stock


right now i got it at 9x 267fsb @2.4ghzs and the ram is on devider 166 i think@ 400ddr



oh and just check everest and it says its at 3-3-3-7 in memory read


so im not sure which one is right.


i know the top one 448 is the stock the ram is because i saw it at newegg

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I've set everything in the DRAM section of the BIOS manually - my RAM is running at 3-4-3-8 with 2.7V at 243mhz (not had a chance to tweak) using a 9:10 divider.


CPU is running at 271mhz FSB x 9 = 2439mhz with 1.475V, not going to have a chance to run Orthos for long but its gone 40 minutes without fail, I'm going to try and leave it for another half an hour then I gotta switch off :(

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