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How do you run more than 1 Prime95 Instance?


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Hey guys !!


Well after some dis-appointing stability issues at a recent LAN party im starting from scratch again. Clean install of XP etc etc.


Tools i will be using are Prime95, Super-Pi and 3D Mark06.


Al the tests i see on HardOCP's torture tests (and other Hardware sites) seem to run at least 2 instances of Prime 95 on a Dual Core CPU.


When i try to open more than 1 instance, they amalgamate into the same window (ie Basically merge into the same window as if to say..Nope we only run 1 intstance at a time sunshine)


Ive checked out Prime's Torture test Doc and it does appear that you can run more than 1 instance but it doesnt show how !!


Please assist...........


Plus if anyone can give me some assistance on what torture test i should be using to ensure that my CPU, MEMORY and GPU overclocks are all STABLE then please post here.


In the mean time im going to re-download the OCing guide (just in case its been updated in the last year and half) to make sure im as upto date as possible.

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Blimey, this has to be a world record for the quickest responses. period !! Im up and running within minutes......... I'll be leaving the PC Torture Testing overnight to see how things go.


Im still not 100% convinced that even if my machine passes all the above i will ever get rid of my BF2142 CTD problems !! I think that's EA's problem but anyway, thanks again for the AWSOME replies.......

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OK, well ive done some testing and after watching my temps go above 70 OC (158F) i decided to stop the test.


ITE started screeming as both the CPU and the PWMIC both went into the red. I know im pumping loads of volts in but i was'nt expecting temps that high. I think i had better drop things down a little or think about pulling out my Water cooling from the Garage. (Is a Danger Den Maze 4 HS compatible with Socket 939?)


Comments please.....

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Holy S#it!! You must be putting nearly 1.7v thru that thing!!


Seriously man you need to back the volts right down....most will not exceed 1.6v on H20 let alone air cooling.


I'd advise reading the OC guide before going any further or somethings gonna get broke :)


I'm going to have a sit down now in a dark room after thinking bout your poor proc.



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