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I think I got a good chip


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You can.... give it some voltage and you'll likely see 3.1Ghz


I don't think it's gonna happen. I tried 1.55 volts with 101.4%. Didn't boot. I'm wondering if it's the board. I can run solid at 2.75, anything more, is a no go. I lowered my multi to 8 and I could push fsb over 312; creating a lower cpu speed, but it worked. I compared to the opty165 database, and people are doing 2.9 on this one with water.

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Sitting rock solid stable at 2.8Ghz currently, still at 1.34v. Running a tuniq tower, 29c idle, 38c under dual prime load. Room temp is generally around 65-70f.


I got it to boot into windows at 3.0Ghz at 1.4v or so, was stable enough for use, but would fail dual prime instantly.


Edit: Can't do any SuperPI testing, because for some reason even at stock speeds it would BSOD on me.

Edit #2: My CPU-Z validation at my stable 2.8Ghz/1.34v http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc.php?id=148421

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Here are the OCDB style results I said I would post. I will update it as I download/install the programs.


DFI LANPARTY UT nF4 SLI-DR (BIOS that was shipped on it.)


AMD Opteron 165 dual core


2x1024MB G.Skill HZ Extreme PC-4000


eVGA 7900GTO, 685/1440: 93.71 Drivers


80GB WD 8MB Cache, SATA hdd


Nu Technologies DVD+RW


OCZ GameXstream 600w












[b]Genie BIOS Settings:[/b]
FSB Bus Frequency.............................  -  312
LDT/FSB Frequency Ratio.......................  -  x3
CPU/FSB Frequency Ratio.......................  -  x9
PCI eXpress Frequency.........................  -  100Mhz

CPU VID StartUp Value.........................  -  1.375v

CPU VID Control...............................  -  1.375v
CPU VID Special Control.......................  -  Auto
LDT Voltage Control...........................  -  1.20v 
Chip Set Voltage Control......................  -  1.60v
DRAM Voltage Control..........................  -  2.70v[/color]

[b]DRAM Configuration Settings:[/b]
DRAM Frequency Set............................  -  133=RAM/FSB:2/03
Command Per Clock (CPC).......................  -  Auto
CAS Latency Control (Tcl).....................  -  3.0
RAS# to CAS# delay (Trcd).....................  -  03 Bus Clocks
Min RAS# active time (Tras)...................  -  07 Bus Clocks
Row precharge time (Trp)......................  -  03 Bus Clocks
Row Cycle time (Trc)..........................  -  14 Bus Clocks
Row refresh cyc time (Trfc)...................  -  Auto
Row to Row delay (Trrd).......................  -  02 Bus Clocks
Write recovery time (Twr).....................  -  02 Bus Clocks
Write to Read delay (Twtr)....................  -  02 Bus Clocks
Read to Write delay (Trwt)....................  -  03 Bus Clocks
Refresh Period (Tref).........................  -  3120 Cycles
DRAM Bank Interleave..........................  -  Enabled

DQS Skew Control..............................  -  Auto
DQS Skew Value................................  -  0
DRAM Drive Strength...........................  -  Auto
DRAM Data Drive Strength......................  -  Auto
Max Async Latency.............................  -  Auto
DRAM Response Time............................  -  Normal
Read Preamble Time............................  -  Auto
IdleCycle Limit...............................  -  256 Cycles
Dynamic Counter...............................  -  Disable
R/W Queue Bypass..............................  -  16 x
Bypass Max....................................  -  07 x
32 Byte Granularity...........................  -  Disable(4 Bursts)






Prime95 + 3dMark2001SE + CPU-Z + Everest 2.20:


Coming Soon, 3dMark01, CPU-Z, Coming Soon













3dMark 2006:










short description:

212x9 @ 2808Mhz, 1.375v BIOS/1.34v Actual, 3-3-3-7 @ 2.70v vdimm

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