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An easy overclock? - FX-55


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So I have read a review on newegg stating that the fx-55 can be easily overclocked by increasing the fsb cpu ratio to 14 instead of the 13 it starts at. Nothing else on my machine is overclocked at all and I'm not worried about temps because my cpu temp rarely gets over 34C on load. My chipset is always warm but the fan will be replace with the VC-RE soon.


Is it really this simple to overclock the fx-55? More importantly is increasing the ratio safe?


Many thanks

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Two sure fire way to overclock is to; Raise the Front Side Bus (FSB) or to raise the CPU Multiplier (CPU Ratio).


Another thing, may I also suggest reading the following link. Even if you’re not planning to overclocking. The Definitive DFI AMD Overclocking Guide. Then re-read it you will be surprised how much more info you’ll pick up. It may seem overwhelming at first but it’s not that bad. Take your time, be patient and asking questions. Keep reading the posts and have fun.

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I see, I have skimmed through that quite a few times before. Having read most of it in full now, I am understanding how to begin to overclock these nf4 boards. Although I must say, as far as RAM settings go, I was much MUCH happier with my NFII Ultra B.


So my CPU runs at 2600mhz with a 200 mhz "FSB" (I'm going to keep calling it FSB so I don't confuse myself. I want to keep my memory running at stock speeds without making any changes because all the timings on the nf4 expert still confuse the heck outa me. So let's theoretically say my CPU can run at 2800mhz completely stable. I have only one way to increase my CPU speed while keeping my memory speed at 400mhz.this would be flat out increasing the multi to 14 keeping the memory speeds the exact same.



If I did want to change the memory timings and such and ended up getting DDR 500 modules in the future. and wanted to run them at 1T I would be able to increase the FSB to 250 (assuming it will go that high) while lowering the multi to 11(which ends up running at 2750mhz CPU speed) thus giving me more overclocking capabilities for my CPU in the furure.


Is this correct?

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sigh board just lost my post asking me about rule acceptance.


basically what i was trying to say was:

look for the memory code on the forums, find the voltages, timings and speed of other people and use them as a very loose guide. a different cpu, motherboard and even the same memory from a different week as your can react very differently to each other. lets you know what is possible, you might not get there or may surpass it.

the 4 main timings for memory are

CAS latency, RAS to CAS, RAS precharge and Tras. yours are 2 3 3 6 stock.

to keep the memory running the speed it shipped at, you can set the DRAM divider, so if you FSB is at 300 and you run a 2/3 divider, it will run 200mhz, which is stock. might also be an SPD option, which is to stay at stock, regardless of FSB; this lets you modify the FSB without the memory. best results come from complete system overclocks, usually with CPU and memory running 1:1, this is also a guide, not a rule. (2T rates and dividers on insane FSBs can give phenomenal results)

have overclocking

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Thanks, I know how to overclock an NF2. And I also no what the timings are for my memory. I'm not a completenoob lol. It's just all the secondary timings for memory that I'm still learning about, which is why I don't want to mess with memory just yet.



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