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A couple questions about TEC

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I have a few questions about TEC.


1. How do you choose which plate is right for one's processor? I know if the wattage is too high or too low it won't work well.


2. Can a TEC be put on a variable resistor such as a fan controller?


3. How do you prevent temps from going below ambient and thus creating condensation?


4. How common is it for people to use TEC in conjunction with other coolers?


Thanks. :D


1- It depends on the thermal rating of your CPU as to what watt TEC you need.


2- I don't know but usually they need a seperate power source.


3- The ideal of having a TEC is to get sub-ambient temps. So if you want to stay @ or above ambient go with air or water.


4- EVERY TEC is dependent on another cooler. The TEC only cools the CPU but now you must cool the hot side of the TEC. And with this you are now not only cooling the heat from the CPU but the heat generated from the TEC as well. So you need a VERY GOOD cooling system on the TEC usually water.

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1- It depends on the thermal rating of your CPU as to what watt TEC you need.


2- I don't know but usually they need a seperate power source.


3- The ideal of having a TEC is to get sub-ambient temps. So if you want to stay @ or above ambient go with air or water.


4- EVERY TEC is dependent on another cooler. The TEC only cools the CPU but now you must cool the hot side of the TEC. And with this you are now not only cooling the heat from the CPU but the heat generated from the TEC as well. So you need a VERY GOOD cooling system on the TEC usually water.


1. So how do you figure that out then?


3. I'm just thinking because I've seen people on water that have relatively high temps. Now I don't know their setups are like but if I were to end up with high temps if/when I go watercooling, it'll be an option.


4. I know that, I probably should've said how commonly are they used period. :P

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1. So how do you figure that out then?


3. I'm just thinking because I've seen people on water that have relatively high temps. Now I don't know their setups are like but if I were to end up with high temps if/when I go watercooling, it'll be an option.


4. I know that, I probably should've said how commonly are they used period. :P


1- I think the AVERAGE dual core CPU is about 60w and here is a formula for figuring out your delta T ( the heat difference between the hot and cold side of the TEC): Delta T = (1 - (Heat Load/Max Cooling Power)) * Max Temp Difference. The AMD website has the information about all their processors inclucing thermal ratings.


3- All water setups are not the same, a small cooler is not as effective as a larger one. Less airflow across said coolers equals less cooling. Now this in no way says to go buy a HUGE radiator with 9,000cfm fans on it. There are many threads on WC setup you should find them read them and then make your decision.


4- IMO TEC's are usually avoided except for the die hard OC'rs as they are labor intense and can be troublesome. They work but cost alot more and require alot more initial attention and upkeep.

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Good link I didn't know if I could post a link to another forum.


I do it all the time. However, I would not link to an ostensibly negative forum post that some how reflected poorly on this forum. If the link is relevant and helpful, I don't know why one could not do it.


IMO TEC's are usually avoided except for the die hard OC'rs as they are labor intense and can be troublesome. They work but cost alot more and require alot more initial attention and upkeep.


There was a post over in the TEC section @ XS that linked to a complete TEC cooling system. Cost about $600 and utilized a water cooled portion for the TEC plates. Seemed pretty maintenance intensive. Specs stated that it would cool sub-ambient. Seemed like a lot effort though. Going back to the site, I couldn't seem to find the post.

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Guest caffeinejunkie

Ive had a few friends in the past that have done a tec/water setup. In the end they said with the cost/hassle they would have rather saved a little more and gone phasechange. I cant personally comment because Im mostly an air guy who dabbles in water but If I was going for sub ambients Id definintely go phase (especially if the OCZ CryoZ ever comes out).

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