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Air Conditioner Miracle


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Alright, so I've got this window AC unit, and my comp sits about 2 feet from it.. I have since figured out there are tiny little pointers to direct the air where you want.


So I pointed these things RIGHT on the front grill of my Chaintech Dragon...


Here are the tempature differences with and without the air conditioner working.


AMD Athlon XP 3000+ ( at 2.4 Ghz - 12 x 400FSB ) on a ducted Volcano 11+


Without air conditioner - 44 idle - 59 load

With air conditioner - 29.4 idle & 36.3 load!!!!


What an amazing difference. I reccomend that everybody try this if they can.


Ducting may make alot of difference since it pulls outside air straight onto the Volcano HS, rather than already warmed up case air. But, with the AC blowing onto the intakes, I put my hand onto the back of the case and it's freezing air coming out.. I am ecstatic about the difference. Hope you guys can try it sometime. Regards,


- Matt

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Guest Ballz2TheWallz

hmph im sure if i had a pc in my room it would be like 25c idle my room is constantly in the 40's and 50's farhenheit somtimes in the summer when its really hot out it gets to 65f max i would love to see what my 8 fan system would do when i get the money to build it ^_^

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Those are great temps. I hope my temps are compare to those when I finish my computer, seeing as it will be in my basement. (Carpeted and dehumidified) The prebuilt that I am on right now is located in the basement and has system temps of around 25 degrees C, and there are only two case fans :blink: (a rear 80mm and the HSF; not counting the PSU fan).

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i did something somewhat the same.


what i did was i used my mini fridge.

i cut a hole in the side of the freezer section , about a 6x6 inch hole. then i ran ducting from the hole to my case thru a fan grill i cut out. i put a loose filter on the duct that attached to my case and then installed a 120mm fan on the duct inside the fridge to blow the cold ait into my case.


well results? the inside of my case is rarely above freezing. it usually sits at 31 dregrees F the highest iv ever seen it was 35F


the best thing is, there is no condinsation at all because the fridge has a condinser built in :)

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