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Good voltages for 65W version of 3800+?


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I've got the ADO 65W 3800+ processor and I'm wondering if it's to the regular 3800+ chips as the mobile Athlon XPs were to their desktop counterparts. This chip is 1.2v by default, but could I give it 1.45 like it's big brothers or are these designed to be run at lower vcores only?

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Guest DaddyD302

From readings from newegg, it seems they are poor overclockers. I think they were designed to run at that voltage, and nothing more. I think you might wanna stick with the 90mm, if you want to overclock. But since you got one, why not test it and report back to us?

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I've had absolutely zero luck with this motherboard getting my RAM stable at 800mhz or higher, 799 is rock solid though (although at 2T which is lame considering the RAM that I have.) Tonight I'll mess around with 1.4vcore and see if I can coax 2.5 or 2.6 out of this processor with a reasonable divider keeping my ram ~799mhz. This processor stays so cool even with 1.35vcore that in the mid-afternoon and evening when it starts to cool down my cpu fan turns off and spins 1-2 rotations every 20 seconds or so which means it's basically being passively cooled. I'm in San Diego and it's not even that cold out :).

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I have the 65W version as well, but I have been over 2.8 with it... although had to drop to just over 2.7 recently dunno why.


You need to drop your cpu multi to 9x and your ram to 667 divider, should get more of an overclock then. As for voltage I've had it posting briefly above 2.9 but for 2.8 was 1.5. Got it at 1.425 just now.

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