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Opteron 185 OC'ing


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Hi all,


I appear to be stuck at 3Ghz (yes, the horror!) on my 185. My aim is to break the 3.1Ghz barrier, or if possible the 3.25Ghz, but so far everytime I try it I can boot into windoze but Orthos fails either instantaneously or within 1minute. This is with my LDT atx3, Ram at 100 (and set to looser timings) so as to isolate my CPU.


My current setup is http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc?id=146130 and infact i can push it a little further to 233 "FSB" but havent here. I have the CNPS9700LED cooler, and my chip is CCBBE 0613 RPMW - sounds like a good stepping?. Currently running 1.392v, perhaps I could get this on 1.375 but I'm not sure. It overclocks to this point quite easily finding it hard to get above this. In a warmish room it is idling at 44 CPU temp, which the cores slightly warmer (fan at ~1900 rpm on a controller). Ram maxes out at about 470, so 466 is perfect for 1:1 oc !


Suggestions on a postcard please!


PS for those who are interested, Everest 3.50.817Beta reports:

Mem read 6913, write 6934, copy 6183, latency 48.5ns

Queen 5634, PhotoWorxx 21442, ZLib 34651KB/s

Julia 4965, Mandel 2799, SinJulia 7773

SuperPi 1.5Mod XS = 29.565s

Finally, 3dMark06 is 8872 :D (8800GTS at 635/600)

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damn you got yourself a charm on your hands,.. give it more juice forget the divider now, bring up the voltage and let it burn. but lower divider if all else fails.

at 2.4GHz stock speed this baby has got alot more to give.

btw the CCBBE steppings on most opterons are great overclockers, just search the OCDB for 'ccbbe' and you'll see ;)

one advice on those temperatures you're running,.. 44C idle is a bit high at such low voltage,. did you mount with AS5? what is your ambient temp? try another mount to see if it's better than current.. eitherway,.. great overclock.. I can see 3.2Ghz in the horizon.


one more question, where did you purchase this opty from and when? :)

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I did a quick try of putting more volts into it last night, at various levels up to 1.5v or so (briefly). I cannot get Orthos to be steady and get rounding errors as soon as I go above about 3050. (This was with the ram on a divider). I could complete other tasks however (SuperPi1M got to ~28.5 seconds, and even later I got 44ns or so ram latency :), at 1T i have >7000 read and write speeds in everest. )


I can almost always boot into windows, although it seems to restart at 3250ish. Will the slightly later bios solve some of these issues do you think? (i dont have dec 23 one at the moment) - are there any later modified bios for the board?


So, next step suggestions? I feel this Opty should be going faster.


I will remount with better compound this weekend (Antec formula 5 silver compound) and a friend said I could borrow his as5 in the new year. It was bought from www.scan.co.uk for about £220 incl VAT about a month and a half ago. Last time i checked it had gone up in price again :)


PS I love this board over my msi platinum... can set tough mem timings etc and i can just switch back if it doesnt work - no opening hte case again and using a pencil to push the button inside for a reset!

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But its about relative overclocking :) 20% would be nice (3120). I will do an OCDB once I get enough sorted out.
So, next step suggestions? I feel this Opty should be going faster.

Good luck. The 939 processor family is near EOL. As with any other successful chip that reaches this phase of production, the fabrication process is near perfection.


With very few exceptions there is no need to bin the processors for speed. A 165 is going to have the same overclock potential as a 185. The only difference between the two being the maximum locked multiplier.


A person can't take the average overclock percentage of a 165 and expect that a 185 is going to overclock by the same percentage. The maximum average overclock speed for the 185 is going to be the same as a 165.

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