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Failed boots - motherboard dead?

Guest Enigma_merged

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I love the DFI forums, they have been an immense help in the past and I am hoping someone here will be able to help me resolve my current issue.


I have been using a Lanparty UT Ultra-D for almost 2 years now and have been more than pleased with it. Up until two weeks ago the rig ran smoothly (after some initial tweeking of course). Two weeks ago Monday I started my computer in the morning, checked email and weather then left it running. When I came home for lunch the screen was black. I attempted a restart which failed and resulted in a loop of restarts. I had been using Vista but I had XP Pro on my Raptor so I attempted a boot into that. That also failed. The boot sequences were inconsistant, sometimes reaching Windows itself and sometimes failing at the Lanparty splash screen. I thought the PSU was the likely culprit and so disconnected every device but the essentials, no luck. I RMAed the PSU and connected the new one, even switching the cables I was using. I was able to boot into Vista the first time I tried, 15 minutes after the computer promptly died.


In its current condition, the computer will not boot at all. When I press the power button the fans spin for a short moment and then all is quiet. Only the first diagnostic LED is lit on the motherboard. I tried switching my RAM around in every configuration possible while I still had everything besides the essentials disconnected - even as far as removing the video card though I would not have video output at that point.


Nothing in the system was overclocked and all temps were well into normal ranges. I doubt the PSU is the problem as I replaced it to nearly the same effect. I've tried clearing the CMOS and starting from the beginning but nothing I've tried has given me any hope of resolving the problem. Any help would be more than appreciated, I have essential work programs on the machine and need to get it up and running as soon as possible. Thanks in advance!

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Correct, both PSUs were Ultras. The board functioned well with two Ultra power supplies before the RMAed PSU. It is possible the PSU is still the problem but I find it unlikely.


Another fact to note: I tested the RAM with the built in MemTest 86+ before it went completely dead. It ran for 4 hours without an error.

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Correct, both PSUs were Ultras. The board functioned well with two Ultra power supplies before the RMAed PSU. It is possible the PSU is still the problem but I find it unlikely.


Another fact to note: I tested the RAM with the built in MemTest 86+ before it went completely dead. It ran for 4 hours without an error.


Your choice of Psu i fear has not been "swell"....


PSU Brands to Avoid!!!!!!!!!!


DFI User Recommended PSU List


Unless they were X-Finity

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I understand I'm not using a recommended PSU. I had the thing on hand while putting the build together and it worked so I did not bother buying a new one.


I'm caving in and purchasing a Corsair HX-620 which should be far more than sufficient for the system. I hope it solves my computer woes. In the meantime, any other suggestions?

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I am using the stock HSF with the CPU. As for it being seated properly, I haven't checked in a few months but I have checked the running temps. I haven't been using the system very intensively recently so the temps have usually been below 35 Celsius, certainly not above 40. Do you see a problem with those temperatures?

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If I were in your shoes I'd remove all the gear from the case. Place the motherboard on a non-conductive surface and do a minimal hardware build as tutored in the NF4 build guide (link is in my sig). When you've got that done do a full and proper CMOS clear from a no-boot condition as explained by ExRoadie (linked in my sig. titled "disaster recovery").


Out of case = eliminating any possible shorting or grounding issues - as suggested by Sharp


Minimal Hardware = starting with the bare minimum to eliminate as many possible contributors as possible


CMOS Clear from No-Boot Condition = fully discharging the capacitors and other stored electrical energy completely from the board and allowing a recovery of your default BIOS settings


Let us know how it goes.


Good luck.

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Guest Retratserif

I am currenltly trying to help a buddy fix his PC. He said it boots out of the case but not in the case. The last time he tried in the case, he smelled smoke. I told him that it is shorting out. He RMA'ed the board, but I am suggesting plastic standoffs to him. That may help, not 100% but its a good shot.


Also, what he said above me.

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