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Thermalright HR-05 SLI on expert board does NOT fit


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Hey guys n gals,


I wanted to rid myself of the annoying fan on the expert board with something more silent, that would fit on under a 7800GTX, and i wound this Thermalright HR-05 SLI and according to its motherboard compatability, it fits, and i read a review somewqhere that it fit on the top side of a 7900GTX (basically same board in terms of thickness and clearance)... very disappointed when i pull my watercooling system apart to get this thing on and the base is about 1cm too short to fit over the die well (the edge would fit but not in the middle).



GRRRRRR I can't send it back coz the guy i bought it off is interstate and charges a mozza for postage and hates me already as it is (he's just cheap).


Any suggestions?

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Which way do you have it installed? Is it parallel to the top vid card above it, do you have it turned perpendicular to the card at the end, or is it down low? You could even have it somewhere between as well, because it can turn. I don't have the same board as you or the same card, but one of those ways should work out for you. Do you have any pics to show us exactly what you're talking about?

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that is two situations I have. first if i have the base of the cooler on the chipset so the chip is in the center, it would be covered by the graphics board.


the one on the right shows that it would fit but the chip die would be on the edge of the base, and my thoughts would be that pressure would not be centered on the chip and so would not do a good job.


I also have sata ports tot he right that will stop it facing that way, and a PCI fan card to the left getting int he way (although would be great if i could use that to help cool the fins).


hope it makes sense.


EDIT: my site htat i upload pages to doesn't work on this site it seems. What site can i upload a JPG to show you (made in paint, lovely drawings :rolleyes:

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You should be able to just attach the image to you post (use the Go Advanced option).


I say put the fins down. That should miss the video card and still allow it to be centered on the die. Yes, you do nee the "dimple" on the top of the base to be over the center of the chipset core for proper pressure.


BTW, here's the link to the installation on the Thermalright site:



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Yep, turn it upside down do the fins are at the bottom of the case. From everything I've ever read, the pipes don't need to be in any certain position to work well. Give it a shot and let me know how it works.


Worst case senerio, it won't fit, then you can sell it in the forum here and buy an Evvercool VR-E with the money.

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I don't think it will fit as I have a PCI fan card and a sound card limiting my position options. I will give it a shot with different positions on the cards and hope for the best (I need to buy more AS5 though as mine has gone walkabout.)


As for selling it on the forums, that won't work, i'm in Australia :rolleyes:

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Ah, I think I just saw someone from down under looking for a CPU in there, so there's probably some blokes and sheilas (maybe even a boomer or two) that might be ready to give it a burl.


As for how it fits, remember it can rotate, so you could angle it away if needed. You could tilt it so the fans are perpendicular to the PSU if you have it above the CPU in your Stacker.


If you google reviews for the HR-05-SLI, I think you should find a review that had it installed just that way.

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While I was poking around in my computer yesterday, I snapped this pic for you:




Again, it is on my Ultra-D board with an X1900XT installed, but I think we can use this as a bit of a reference since you don't have a photo to post. I am assuming you are not getting anywhere near the space above the graphics card that I am - am I right?

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While I was poking around in my computer yesterday, I snapped this pic for you:




Again, it is on my Ultra-D board with an X1900XT installed, but I think we can use this as a bit of a reference since you don't have a photo to post. I am assuming you are not getting anywhere near the space above the graphics card that I am - am I right?


Keep in mind he's got an Expert board, which throws everything off.

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Right, but I have no idea what the difference in spacing is, that's why I said:


Again, it is on my Ultra-D board with an X1900XT installed, but I think we can use this as a bit of a reference since you don't have a photo to post. I am assuming you are not getting anywhere near the space above the graphics card that I am - am I right?


The paint drawing he posted earlier didn't help me much... :(

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