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Windows crash from certain program?

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OK, I just stuck in my new SLI-DR Expert board in place of the previously tested INF SLI. All components other than the board have checked out under torture tests in the INF SLI. First off, the BIOS was freezing up, even after loading defaults and saving, and I would have to power off, unplug for 30 secs, re-plug, and power on or else it would just sit there not doing anything with the power on. After hurriedly changing specs and saving and rebooting a little bit at a time, finally got it to not freeze, and properly boot. WTF? So anyways, after redoing Windows XP Pro, I have been surfing, ran Everest, Prime95, Memtest Windows, etc..... and then I decide to run SANDRA to check system temps.... loads fine, I click on Processor, and it starts to read info, and BAM!.....................................................It shut off like I yanked the power cord out. So I reboot, try some other things, then SANDRA again, same thing. I didn't know it was possible for software other than Windows to initiate a shutdown, but it doesn't "shut down" with the logoff screen, it just goes kaplooey. Any ideas? Thanks!

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If this ONLY happens with Sandra, it sounds like a sandra bug.

If it shutdown with other things, then I would look at heatsink & fans. Then check voltages while putting load on the system with prime95 (for each core).

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If this ONLY happens with Sandra, it sounds like a sandra bug.

If it shutdown with other things, then I would look at heatsink & fans. Then check voltages while putting load on the system with prime95 (for each core).


Somewhere there is a thread or two about SiSoftSandra & DFI. IIRC there is a fix for it, allowing you to use it.

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You can not let a program scan the SM bus (system management bus). The expert will reboot. This will happen with any program that scans the bus. All of the ones that I have can be told not to scan the bus, to just use the default locations. Check the docs...

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Cool. Now if I could just figure out WTF is wrong with my BIOS, ever since I first booted the board the BIOS has acted funny, and now just hangs on the LP Expert BIOS screen.... could the BIOS prom be corrupted? Also, (just asking for personal info) why is it said not to remove the battery on an Expert board? Thanks!

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Never removing battery may an overstatement for saftey reasons. Read ExRoadie's thread for safe procedure.


On the other hand:


Evidently the Expert stores VCORE voltages in the power controller. Removing the battery erases the Startup VID until reset by the BIOS. During startup the controller can supply enough voltage to burn out the processor. In this post ExRoadie says the following:

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Not removing battery may an overstatement for saftey reasons. Read ExRoadie's thread for safe procedure.


The post you linked to is the same as the one in my sig. As long as the steps laid out by ExRoadie are followed that procedure is safe for all DFI motherboards.

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