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Zalman CNPS9500 w/LEDs $43.99!


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This is definately one of the best air coolers out there. I used and still have one of these.


In my opinion, Zalman cannot be beat as far as quality and performance is concerned


This is as close to watercooling as you're going to get. I paid $60 for mine when they first came out... this is a KILLER deal! :)

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Based on the Air cooling roundup at XS, I'd like to try the Tuniq Tower 120




The Tuniq has been selling out as fast as they get them in at the EGG,



This is what icon57 had to say about it and he has both,

tuniq, just switched fron the zalman 9500, and the 9700 is not supposed to be any better than the 9500, just bigger fan.

tuniq dropped 8c from what i had with 9500

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I've got an HR-01 (Heatsink Factory has them for $34!!!!) on my FX-55, along with an Arctic Cooling 120 with the rubber suspension built in.... it's completely silent, you have to stick your ear right up against it to hear anything, runs 86-88*F idle and around 108-112F running Prime95 and SuperPi. I'm happy, but just passing on deals in case somebody else needs something good.


Today, just messing around, so far got the FX at [email protected], still working on it though, and temps are still under 112* even under load.. color me happy :)

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I wonder if I did something wrong. Everyone loves these dang Zalman 9500's. My temps only dropped a degree or two on the bottom from stock. I will say it may have done somewhat better on the top end. Can't remember now, it's been awhile and I gave up on much OC. I have a new SI 128 standing by when I redo things. I also have a big Typhoon waiting in the wings. I must be a collector.

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It would be worth reseating the HSF to see if you get better temps.


What TIM did you use? & did you just use a small amount in the center of the IHS?



I just replaced the stock HSF with a 9500 on his 4200x2 for a friend & it dropped about ~8c off his idle temps. That was with the Zalman TIM too.


was idling @ 44c brought it down to ~36-38c. I don't know what his load temps were before, but after I OC'd it to 2.6gHz, it was loading around 50c.

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I used AS5 and (don't flame me) I used the credit card method. Just couldn't bring myself to do grain of rice. I have read enough now to be a believer so next time ... I have not tried to push it much after the A5 set so I should stop whining. Maybe I am under rating it.

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I used AS5 and (don't flame me) I used the credit card method. Just couldn't bring myself to do grain of rice.


Well, that is your problem right there...


Pull that 9500 off, clean it & the cpu, then follow These Instructions from Arctic Silver (the people who make the stuff and know how to best apply it :)) and see what kind of a difference it makes. I'll bet you'll drop ~5-10c off your temps...

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