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A few Nf3 UT Lan Party 250 mobo...754 socket?

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1. Will OCZ's Gamerstream 600watt PSU work with this board?

I ask cause in the pics it has a 24 pin main connector, not sure if its compatible with the nf3 UT 250 board.

2. Will a newer agp video card work in these boards, like a, 7900gt preferrably?




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If you are going to buy a new mobo, cpu, proc and agp card, I would recommend going with AM2 or Intel Core 2 duo.


AGP is nearing its production end and DDR is being phased out.




Unless you are going budget and skt 939 would be your best best, DDR1 PCI-e and offers single and dual cores.

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Yeah it'll work the 24 pin connector has a detachable 4pin plug, I think..lol


I went from a LP B to NF3 250Gb also and I don't regret it for a second, it always means you have a good upgrade choice later, I plan to try NF4 939 before I go to AM2 or Conroe, on the plus side these part will be a hell of a lot cheaper when you get around to buying them.


Jumping from a LP B to Conroe or AM2 would be such a buzz don't get me wrong but it would be the last time you get that buzz, to get the same buzz again would mean buying really expensive parts that put you in the poor house quicker.


Thing about the NF3 boards is, they are rare and if you pick one up second hand odds are you can sell it later for what you bought it for or even more because they are a very well made board and people will always want one.


When I got one I just went for the highest CPU for socket 754 (3700 Clawhammer) but as your an Overclocker there are other CPU's that can get higher and are less expensive, I just liked the 1mb L2 as I do a lot of DVD Encoding/Decoding. what ever you decide you wont regret sticking with DFI thats a fact.

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That is actually the route I've taken, I was just wondering about the PSU and video card.

Yeah, I'll definitley be going with a 3700 clawhammer and a gig or two of OCZ's platnium DDR400 3200. I'll probably go with a couple of WD's IDE 300gig HD's. I'd like to some time down the road try the Raptor drives to see what all the buzz is about, but for now I'll stick with large IDE drives.


Nforce 590 AM2 boards?

Thats a ways off, no hurry for this upgrade route just yet.

When I do it'll either be DFI's offering or ECS's offering.

ECS's Nforce590 AM2 is feature rich and soooooo afordable, but thats much much later.

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Yeah bro my thoughts exactly.


The PSU you have chosen is a pretty damn good one I hear, and its bound to take you into your next rig. Come upgrade season (Tax rebate) I will be investing in the very same one.


I was trying to decide myself if I wanted the 7800GS AGP or the AIW X800XT, the 7800GS might be better graphics and add a few frames per second but the card is all you get. With the AIW you get every type of video connector known to hook up to any TV ,HDTV or video camera plus watching TV on my PC while im surfing is a huge plus for me.

Word of warning though with ATI sooner or later you get a conflict in software this is something Nvidia has over ATI.


Edit BTW the X800XT AIW is only $150 at mwave.com , I paid $300 6 months ago from newegg that kinda stung...lol

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