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NF3 250GB not detecting memory

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I have 2 512MB sticks in the board and when I tried to add a 1GB stick(all patriot extreme modules), it won't detect it. However, if I put the 1GB stick in by itself, it detects fine, but if I add one 512MB stick along with the 1GB, it only detects 512MB ram. Please help!

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Well, perhaps 1GB and 512MB modules can't be mixed on this board. It will detect either the 1GB or the 512MB module, but not both at the same time. I have searched this board and googled a while and I can't find any info on this issue. I know that there are alot more people viewing the forums for S939 and AM2 boards but if anyone has ANY input on this issue, I would be very grateful to hear it. Thanks in advance.

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If you want to run 3 sticks of RAM then I believe you need to drop the command rate from 1T ---> 2T and run the memory at DDR333. 99% of people just go with 2 x 1Gb sticks in slot 1 + 3.

Alot of hassle with 3 sticks getting it running let alone stable

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I've tried using slots 1 and 3 and every other combination. I tried mixing the 1GB stick and the 512MB stick on a different board and there was the same problem. All the sticks have be cleared for errors on memtest. The other board I used was a VIA chipset. Its weird because in the BIOS, it won't even show the amount of ram I put in it. Its either 1GB or 512MB, or if I put the 1GB and both 512MB sticks, it registers 1GB in the BIOS when it should be say 2GB. It won't even acknowledge that the other sticks are there. Ugh, I hope I can figure this out.

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It's not the RAM, of course. If you ever built computers with spare parts you'll notice some motherboards won't even accept more than 1 stick at a time (old MSI KM2M, would just accept 128, or 256, or 512 sticks, but not mixed). Whenever you buy new RAM, you better buy 2 matched sticks, be them 2x512MB or 2x1GB, so the motherboard won't have problem running them.

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What I have found with my board is that it runs best with no more than 4 sides of memory..for instance I am running 2x256 single sided and 1x1g (in first slot) double sided. for a total of 4 sides.

I had to also set the memory 1 to 1 manually cause 3 sticks will default it to a divider

and my board seems to hate most of the dividers.

Hope this helps.

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If you want to run 3 sticks of RAM then I believe you need to drop the command rate from 1T ---> 2T and run the memory at DDR333. 99% of people just go with 2 x 1Gb sticks in slot 1 + 3.

Alot of hassle with 3 sticks getting it running let alone stable



I might be one of the lucky ones.

Runnin 1t 1to1 prime stable.

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512x2 Patriot XBL DDR600............I have this same memory laying in my drawer and wanted to get a 1 gig stick to go with them but was thinkin of how that would be six sides of memory and how my chip would have trouble controlling them...you confirmed it.


I also had the the 2x256 Hyperx layin in the drawer and decided to try and match them to a 1 gig Hyperx for the 4 sides only.

Well not only do they overclock well but they all match too.

I know its only 1.5 gig but this rig rocks.

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