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External Hard Drive Bays


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I'm wanting to buy an external hard drive bay, but I don't know anything about which brands are good and which not.

I will be putting one of my 250gb SATA disks in there, and I would like it to have a USB 2.0 interface. I would like to buy something which is of reasonable quality, whilst keeping the price as low as possible.

Thanks for any advice or recommendations,


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I think their all pretty similar. I could be wrong, but a friend of mine used to use a compusa brand one. Enclosure was great, the Maxtor disc drive in it wasnt and died. Most of the CompUSA brand stuff is pretty good and reasonable priced. You may want to look into that.

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Guest Kobalt

USB sucks. Firewire Sucks. (Both of these do NOT tell you if your HD is about to die via SMART, and are very slow compared to eSATA)

Go for eSATA + USB & firewire. That way you can't go wrong!


eSATA is allot faster than USB or firewire. So keep that in mind. You can also get a sata ->eSata cable to hook it up to your motherboard SATA ports. Just make sure you use the nvidia drivers, so you can hot-swap them. If you only use MS ones, then they don't support hot-swap.

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USB sucks. Firewire Sucks. (Both of these do NOT tell you if your HD is about to die via SMART, and are very slow compared to eSATA)

Go for eSATA + USB & firewire. That way you can't go wrong!


eSATA is allot faster than USB or firewire. So keep that in mind. You can also get a sata ->eSata cable to hook it up to your motherboard SATA ports. Just make sure you use the nvidia drivers, so you can hot-swap them. If you only use MS ones, then they don't support hot-swap.

I've just got to university, so I really want something which is going to work on all the computer I may use (As I may buy a laptop sometime as well, which would be Apple), so USB 2.0 seems the most ideal option.

I will take I closer look at the two brands mentioned in the previous posts.

Thanks a lot,


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