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Making Standby Work


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My system is OC'd and when I go into standby it returns at the stock clock speed.


So, is there anyway to get system standby to work properly and not have your computer to return w/ messed up settings?


NOTE: If anyone wants to tell me "don't use standby" or "don't OC your computer" or anything else that's not actually an answer to the question I'm actually asking, please don't bother posting it.

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Yeah, I have the same problem. Better than in earlier BIOSes where the temps and voltages would read crazy, but still pretty useless. If only suspend to disk worked reliably in Windows, I might settle for that, but as it is I have neither.

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This sounds good but I've heard bad things about using software "to change the FSB speed on the fly"

Is it safe to use it in this case (since it's just changing the settings to what it should be at already) or are there other problems this might cause?

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I'm no expert, but my impression is that it's safe. I think the general "bad rap" about changing FSB speeds on the fly is in relation to people basically not knowing what to set it to, and thus setting it way too high. Or playing with various intermediate steps that don't match their dividers. Or using it as a way to overclock to a level they can't boot at.


Assuming your PCI dividers, multiplier, memory ratio, voltages, etc. are already setup to be run with your OC'd FSB speed, then I can't see what would be bad about changing it on the fly to match what you normally boot up with.


I've been using it for several days and haven't noticed anything unusual. Of course if anyone has probs with it I'd like to hear.

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  • 2 weeks later...
NOTE: If anyone wants to tell me "don't use standby" or "don't OC your computer" or anything else that's not actually an answer to the question I'm actually asking, please don't bother posting it.

I'm going to post anyway because I have never been given a satisfactory answer to this question by anyone using or attempting to use Standby. When I turn my system on it take less then 60 seconds to fully boot. With no more time involved then this why is Standby worth the hassle?

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