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NForce3 Driver Install Issues

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Hello all!


First off, I have an NF3 DFI LanParty 250gb and I am having some issues installing the NVidia NForce3 drivers.


I did some search on the forums here and I found something similar to my issue, but there's a catch to my situation.


The problem that I am having is very similar to most peoples. Installed Windows XP, downloaded and began install of NForce3 drivers (v5.11).


I can't remember what the last thing I saw was... Maybe NIC drivers? The screen flashed and then the system rebooted. BIOS posted and everything went fine til the drives started to load Windows. Blank screen. Not even the Windows loading screen showed up. The PC just hung right there. BIOS then blank screen. I can't get into Windows nor do I have the option to get into Safe Mode.


I tried going into the bios and turning off the onboard NIC and Audio but it still would not boot Windows. I'm dying for help here, does anyone know what I can do to resolve this issue?


Here's the related thread that I mentioned earlier:



Thanks in advance!

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You need to put those system details into a signature as per the rules.




You do realise you have to press F8 to get into safe mode? Hold F8 down when your system is booting and choose safe mode from the menu that appears. Once you get into safe mode remove the drivers which you have installed previously, you should now be able to get back into windows like normal.


I would try a different driver set.


Try Nvidia Unified(nforce 2/3/4) 8.22 by Squall


found here


I just read a forum post about them solving the 'ethernet bluescreen' ;)

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I do realize that you have to press F8, but like I said, you don't even get to the screen. Right after the BIOS does all of it's fancy stuff, it goes directy to a blank black screen. Not even a cursor. This is where the windows screen would say loading, and you would press F8.


I was messing around with the BIOS to see if there was anything I could do with the memory timings with no avail. As a matter of fact, when I hit F10 and hit YES, the system rebooted and the BIOS would not post. I had to clear the CMOS and start over.


My thoughts are that this motherboard is fried like a mofo.

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are you sure you disabled mac lan? your windows kernel seems to be damaged..hmm try a windows repair with microsoft cd


EDIT: just clear the cmos completely and I think you'll be ok. Drivers cannot fry your pc, this would be surprising. Clear that chip by removing the cmos battery for 60sec, and also don't forget to move the jumper. After try a windows repair.

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the best drivers are 5.10

dont load fire wall or the sw-idel


You need to put those system details into a signature as per the rules.




You do realise you have to press F8 to get into safe mode? Hold F8 down when your system is booting and choose safe mode from the menu that appears. Once you get into safe mode remove the drivers which you have installed previously, you should now be able to get back into windows like normal.


I would try a different driver set.


Try Nvidia Unified(nforce 2/3/4) 8.22 by Squall


found here


I just read a forum post about them solving the 'ethernet bluescreen' ;)

HaHa whats the 'ethernet bluescreen' ?

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You need to put those system details into a signature as per the rules.




You do realise you have to press F8 to get into safe mode? Hold F8 down when your system is booting and choose safe mode from the menu that appears. Once you get into safe mode remove the drivers which you have installed previously, you should now be able to get back into windows like normal.


I would try a different driver set.


Try Nvidia Unified(nforce 2/3/4) 8.22 by Squall


found here


I just read a forum post about them solving the 'ethernet bluescreen' ;)

HaHa whats the 'ethernet bluescreen' ?

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are you sure you disabled mac lan? your windows kernel seems to be damaged..hmm try a windows repair with microsoft cd


EDIT: just clear the cmos completely and I think you'll be ok. Drivers cannot fry your pc, this would be surprising. Clear that chip by removing the cmos battery for 60sec, and also don't forget to move the jumper. After try a windows repair.


I'll try giving this a shot. Thanks guys.

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5.11 are known for giving lots of problems.

Oh yeah you're absolutely right. I tried them yesterday and I got the "ethernet bluescreen". After this I was able to boot windows, but as soon as I wanted to uninstall the nvidia drivers OR to desactivate the Ethernet port the PC rebooted. Yeah, only had to right click on the network icon in windows-desactivate, then it rebooted.

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