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New problem

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I have a new problem it seems the problem from before was the chipset fan i replaced it with vc-re and it gave it problems now i have a new problem.... The x1900xt i hooked up to the vx2025 shows ( No Signal ) now my question is how do i fix this? Thanks ill delete my oild thread

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So you can't get to the BIOS? Have you tried taking some of your HARDWARE off just for testing? Might be a weak PSU since you do have alot of stuff man. Which PCI-E slot did you put your R580 in (The one at top [Closest to CPU] or the one at the bottom)? Do you have all four power plugs connected to your motherboard? Memory is in the Orange slots right? I hope this helps....

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I put iot in the first slot and all 4 are in and the memory is in orange i hered there was alaways a [rpb with dvi on the vx2025 i am looking for a fix thanks for your help though ill take off the cd and hard drive off for testing thanks

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OK just did what you said mack still no luck its just dvi uissues on the moniotro i wish i could put vga but the card dosent work .. Hey i have an idea maybe i can take the vieo card out of the dell which doe support vga and use it iin the dfi i would have to taKE OF THE TV TUNER FOR NOW THOUGH ILL GET BACK TO YOU GUY7S I LOVE THIS PLACE LOTSA help thanks



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ok well my dell had a vga card not a pci so the dfi dosent support agp damn well i have another idea i can use as dvi-vga adapter for now does radio shack offer these and hoow much do these things cost i want this baby running by tonight

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Courtesy of Lowboy;


Understanding the Diagnostic LED's


4 LEDs on = Power applied, checking CPU

3 LEDs on = CPU has been detected OK, checking RAM

2 LEDs on = RAM has been detected OK, checking VGA

1 LED on = VGA has been detected OK, entering BIOS

0 LEDs on = System has booted to the Operating System.


As long as you are in the BIOS including running memtest from the BIOS option, there will be one LED on.


Example: If you are getting 3 LEDs on, it means the rig is having trouble detecting the RAM.


The lower(PCI) Amber LED is the 5VSB indicator. The upper Amber LED is the RAM voltage indicator. Once the rig has started and been shut down the RAM LED will go out until the PSU is power cycled.

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ok it boots into bios good all lights go off hey wevsstop do u know anyplaces to get a dvi to vga adpater because my x1900xt has dvi only and fpor some reason its NOT working on my vx2025

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Yep, you should have a DVI to VGA adapter that came with your video card when you purchased it.


And yep, if anyway possible you need to figure out why DVI ain't working. Did you enter the Viewsonic monitor on-screen menu and make sure that your input device is set to DVI or auto? If not you need to do that, if it's set to DVI or auto and you're still not getting a picture, you need to try and new DVI cable to make sure the current one isnt' faulty.

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