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System Instablities are driving me Nuts

Guest morbeious_merged

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Guest morbeious

1. Can anyone help me understand what mem settings I should be using, If I turn on AUTO I notice my memery sets at the following.


DDR400 Mhz CL2 Single Channel, 64Bit

TCL 2, Trcd 3, Tras 6, Trp 3


I've change them manually to

tcl 2, Trcd 6, Tras 3, Trp 3


But all other settings under Genie are on auto, because I have no clue as to what to set them to.. if anyknow can point me in the right direction that would be great. The problems I have are the following..


2. I can't run MemTest, the screen is carbled and system constantly reboots, I've turned of USB keyboard and Mouse Support this doesn't fix the issue.


3. When boothing from a cold start my SATA drives sometimes aren't detected, but if I hit the reset button everything boots find from there on.


4. Systems seems to run slow at sometimes, not sure if this is a mother board setting or not, but I've updated all drivers, but still have the same problem. If some one can tell me which drivers I should and should be using that would be great also. (e.g. 4n1, Raid, Network, Video, Audio, etc)



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This is a great guide to start you off into the world of overclocking, has a great article related to memory and what it all means as well, check it out.



If you can't run memtest from the bios option then just use the utilities on Tmod's bios flash cd, works like a charm.



I think that it's the 5.11 nvidia drivers that you should steer clear of, I have never even tried them so I don't know the issues guys are having with them but I hear they are a mess, stick with 5.10.


Odd that your SATA sometimes aren't found, what bios are you running on that board then? 6/23?


When is it that your system is running slow, during certain times or tasks or is it just random?

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If your Geil memory has the TCCD chips in them, give these settings a try. Make sure to MemTest after changing your settings.


DRAM = 2.80v


Command Per Clock (CPC)....................... - Disable

CAS Latency Control (Tcl)..................... - 2.0

RAS# to CAS# delay (Trcd)..................... - 03 Bus Clocks

Min RAS# active time (Tras)................... - 06 Bus Clocks

Row precharge time (Trp)...................... - 03 Bus Clocks

Row Cycle time (Trc).......................... - 07 Bus Clocks

Row refresh cyc time (Trfc)................... - 16 Bus Clocks

Row to Row delay (Trrd)....................... - 02 Bus Clocks

Write recovery time (Twr)..................... - 02 Bus Clocks

Write to Read delay (Twtr).................... - 01 Bus Clocks

Read to Write delay (Trwt).................... - 02 Bus Clocks

Refresh Period (Tref)......................... - 3120 Cycles

DRAM Bank Interleave.......................... - Enabled


DQS Skew Control.............................. - Auto

DQS Skew Value................................ - 0

DRAM Drive Strength........................... - Level 6, 7 or Auto

DRAM Data Drive Strength...................... - Level 2 or Auto

Max Async Latency............................. - 8.0 ns

DRAM Response Time............................ - 6.0 ns

Read Preamble Time............................ - Auto

IdleCycle Limit............................... - 256 Cycles

Dynamic Counter............................... - Disable

R/W Queue Bypass.............................. - 16 x

Bypass Max.................................... - 07 x

32 Byte Granularity........................... - Disable(8 Bursts)

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Guest morbeious
If your Geil memory has the TCCD chips in them, give these settings a try. Make sure to MemTest after changing your settings.


DRAM = 2.80v


Command Per Clock (CPC)....................... - Disable

CAS Latency Control (Tcl)..................... - 2.0

RAS# to CAS# delay (Trcd)..................... - 03 Bus Clocks

Min RAS# active time (Tras)................... - 06 Bus Clocks

Row precharge time (Trp)...................... - 03 Bus Clocks

Row Cycle time (Trc).......................... - 07 Bus Clocks

Row refresh cyc time (Trfc)................... - 16 Bus Clocks

Row to Row delay (Trrd)....................... - 02 Bus Clocks

Write recovery time (Twr)..................... - 02 Bus Clocks

Write to Read delay (Twtr).................... - 01 Bus Clocks

Read to Write delay (Trwt).................... - 02 Bus Clocks

Refresh Period (Tref)......................... - 3120 Cycles

DRAM Bank Interleave.......................... - Enabled


DQS Skew Control.............................. - Auto

DQS Skew Value................................ - 0

DRAM Drive Strength........................... - Level 6, 7 or Auto

DRAM Data Drive Strength...................... - Level 2 or Auto

Max Async Latency............................. - 8.0 ns

DRAM Response Time............................ - 6.0 ns

Read Preamble Time............................ - Auto

IdleCycle Limit............................... - 256 Cycles

Dynamic Counter............................... - Disable

R/W Queue Bypass.............................. - 16 x

Bypass Max.................................... - 07 x

32 Byte Granularity........................... - Disable(8 Bursts)



How can I tell if I have TCCD chips the memory has Heat Sinks, and heat Monitors build on, thats the way the memory came in the box. But I will try these settings..



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Guest morbeious
This is a great guide to start you off into the world of overclocking, has a great article related to memory and what it all means as well, check it out.



If you can't run memtest from the bios option then just use the utilities on Tmod's bios flash cd, works like a charm.



I think that it's the 5.11 nvidia drivers that you should steer clear of, I have never even tried them so I don't know the issues guys are having with them but I hear they are a mess, stick with 5.10.


Odd that your SATA sometimes aren't found, what bios are you running on that board then? 6/23?


When is it that your system is running slow, during certain times or tasks or is it just random?


I'm running the lates bios, I've never attempted to overclock, nor do i wish too at this time. I just wanna get this system stable, I've been running with the issues listed above, for many months.


The system boots really slow, but once its up it runs fine for awhile. When playing certian games, (e.g. EQ2, Prey, BF2) the system feels like its running at 20% of its full potential. In BF2 the only way to get the system playable is to turn down all graphics, etc. to minmum seeting, This shouldn't be on a system like this.


I have another system built with hardward except the cheaper motherboard, with a clean build and it seems to run, just fine, no crashes, no slowness, etc. BF2, EQ2 runs at max everything on. That why I believe its has somthing to do with the DFI-Board and drivers, or settings in the Bios.

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try the settings that wev suggests and see what happens. Sounds like maybe you have something running in the background that is eating up processing power, do you have any anti-virus scan setup to automatically scan or anything. Just look around and see if anything along those lines might be popping up. Let us know what happens

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Guest morbeious
try the settings that wev suggests and see what happens. Sounds like maybe you have something running in the background that is eating up processing power, do you have any anti-virus scan setup to automatically scan or anything. Just look around and see if anything along those lines might be popping up. Let us know what happens


Will do. I have norton's security running, with Goback, and Ghost. Running the same on the the other systems also, which seems to handle them well. When I check task manager on the DFI MB system the CPU is between 5 and 10% untilization, thats at the desktop idled, I've also tried disabling Norton, but i still get the same effects.

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After you get your memory timings straightened out and confirmed stable via Memtest, there are alot of things you can do to increase the performance and feel of your current setup. However, none of this is needed until you get your rig MemTest and Prime95 stable.


1. Disable un-needed Windows services from running in the background. Google for BlackVipers Windows Services Listing and follow the recommendations there.

2. Perform regular hard drive defragmentations.

3. Remove unused programs, clean up your temp and prefetch folders.

4. Use a good registry maintenance tool such as Registry Mechanic 5.0 to clean up and compress your registry.

5. Make sure you have all Windows critical updates installed.

6. Turn off the eye candy in WindowsXP. Have your graphic settings set for best performance instead of best appearance.

7. Double check to make sure your page file is of adequate size.


Boy, I could go on and on, but Happy Games here at the Street has an excellent video tutorial on optimizing the Windows operating system. Give it a peek sometime.

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Guest morbeious
After you get your memory timings straightened out and confirmed stable via Memtest, there are alot of things you can do to increase the performance and feel of your current setup. However, none of this is needed until you get your rig MemTest and Prime95 stable.


1. Disable un-needed Windows services from running in the background. Google for BlackVipers Windows Services Listing and follow the recommendations there.

2. Perform regular hard drive defragmentations.

3. Remove unused programs, clean up your temp and prefetch folders.

4. Use a good registry maintenance tool such as Registry Mechanic 5.0 to clean up and compress your registry.

5. Make sure you have all Windows critical updates installed.

6. Turn off the eye candy in WindowsXP. Have your graphic settings set for best performance instead of best appearance.

7. Double check to make sure your page file is of adequate size.


Boy, I could go on and on, but Happy Games here at the Street has an excellent video tutorial on optimizing the Windows operating system. Give it a peek sometime.


Yeap, I've done all of those things.. been dealing with Windows before the 3.1 days. use to be a tech, but for the past 8 yrs ive been in Management. Not to new to this stuff, but I'm still not a current expert like you guys. I just read in one of the other threads that the SATA should be and port 3&4, and to change a switch, and also move the memory to DIMM 1 & 3. and only to use drivers 5.10, without the IDE, I believe i currently have 6.53 drivers installd, and my sata drives are in 3&4, but I dont remember setting a jumper, the memery is in 1&2. When I get home I will check all of the items you mention, aswell as the additional ones i found. Hopefully it will fix my issues.


Heres the quoute i found in the other thread





NOTE: I Do not recommend you use anything but the 5.10 drivers for NF2 and NF3 motherboards! if you use the 6.53 drivers on your NF2/NF3, it will not install the GART (AGP) driver and AGP acceleration will be DISABLED! (but again, I advise against this driver on NF2 and NF3 chipsets!)"

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Yes, those recommendations all sound reasonable. Personally I think the 5.10 nVidia chipset driver is the optimum one for an NF3 board, and in fact currently running that driver pack in a MSI K8N Neo Platinum based rig that's been chugging away just fine for about two years now.


I also advise against installing the SW-IDE driver from any chipset driver set prior to 6.53


Let me know how your continued investigation and testing is panning out.



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Hi, for techpowerups DB, those sticks might be samsung tcc5 or mosel vitelic, hence trcd and trp only at 3.

IIRC, geil tccd's were geil one tccd series, so there's a big chance that they don't do well with such tight alphas.

Over those suggestions, I'd just add that trc at 7 might be too tight so going to 10 should be safer, so as Trrd 3, twr 3, twtr 2 and trwt 3 just to remove them as a botleneck. Also make sure slots 1+3 are being used. In case they are the above chips, they might do well with 2.6v only (and if they are mosel or promos, 2.8v can make them error out), so as using a weak drive strenght setting (such as 1 or 3).


Sorry if my post causes some confusion!

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