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I cant say im a fan of asus after Ive seen my friends have many problems with theirs. although a they were not nf4's. if you do plan on ocing a whole lot I would opt for a dfi board, you can proably find one for a bit cheaper then on newegg in the sale or trade section. if you do get the asus board though you should go for the ultra its a little better


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ight im not sayin im not thinkin about dfi but this is goin to be my first rig i build so i was just lookin around for mb you know lol im kinda scard of tha ultra a lil after reading so many ITZ not workin but most of them are a user prob just dont know if im ready for all that so that why i ask about tha other board

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You can do it! Get the DFI board you will be much happier in the long run, and you will learn alot about computers at the same time! Trust me its worth the money.

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i hope you right i just dont want to end up like a few guy say why is it not workin i read tha build guides and look at tha mem and psu stuff so i hope im ready well ill prob get tha dfi anyway but itz allwayz good to look around

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Most problems with these boards are user errors. As long as you take your time, study, and don't cut corners, you'll be golden. And if you DO run into problems, you've got a lot of people here at the Street ready to help you. You'll be glad you got this board when your stomping all over Asus and Abit.

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Ever heard of the term PEBKAC? Google it. Honestly as long as you read this forum you should have no problems with a DFI board what so ever, unles you have faulty hardware, but then you just plain unlucky =[.

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lol on PEBKAC but yea this forum is tight i like how err thang is layed out i think tha dfi md are cool but im not much of a overclocker but knowin me if i get this mb ill try it but i think i ill go with dfi :cool:

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I belive im using this corsair memroy, although its 2x512mb. im not sure though thats cpu z says cmx512-3200c2. I just bought it from my friend for a good price.


Im also using this memory


so ive got a totoal of 2gb.

dont be so nervous about getting a dfi board as your first buil as long as you dont buy chepo value memroy which is where most of the problems with no posts come from youll be fine. The system im using now was my first build too and im very happy with my mobo. my friend has an epox nf4 and he hates it with a passion he is always jelous of mine.

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