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Please Help Me Choose the right motherboard for me


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Hi, Im looking into buying a stable motherboard with good overclocking potential, I already have a Dfi NF4 lanparty ut (the original one wthout sli bridge), but the chipset fan is dying out on me, and i need another motherboard for my spare so id like to upgrade mine and use that one on the spare.


Here is what im planning on using with the new motherboard,


Amd 3800+ x2

2 * 512 Ocz Plat Revision 2 3200+

OCZ Powerstream 500w

Air Cooled, Scythe Ninja

Raptor Hardrive + 320 sata hardrive

7800gtx ( i do not plan on going sli)


Ok basically i need a stable motherboard, that will allow me to maybee get a little better oc, right now im running 2.5 *10 and its running real cool and rock solid but the chipset is overheating as the fan is dying so it has been giving me some problems the last month or so. I want to get the best mother board for overclocking stabilty, i could care less about sli or crossfire, I just care about motherboard performance, quality and overclockability, Right now the three motherboards im looking into is the dfi nf4 expert, cfx3200 and the abit at8. My goal is to have 2.6*10 with rock solid stability. Which i think is a very modest goal as ive seen people with my setup get to much higher.


Can you guys give me some suggestions, Which board is a better oc'er the ati chipset or nf4.


Thanks in advanced guys.



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The Ultra-D is one of the best OCing boards out there. I doubt it is the board holding you back. The chipset fan dfi used is notorious for giving up, replace it wiith the evercool vc-re.


I don't know your experience level as far as OCing goes but if your dram config page has a lot of autos or settings from someone else, don't buy an expert. Since you are not planning on running SLI the Ultra-D is the only board I would recommend.

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Thanks For the reply guys,


As for the dram settings, I spent probably 15-20 hours messing with them to get the best stability and highest benchmarks i could recieve, I was at one point running 2.7 *10 with the same cpu but for some odd reason after 3-4 months it started acting up, and i never got it to be stable there again, i had to drop it to 2.5, i know my cpu has more ocing potential, I was thinking it could be my memory but ive heard nothing but good things about it. I have removed and installed my motherboard soo many times I started to think i might of damaged it some way removing back plates and such. Who knows. My temps are all low except for my chipset which reaches high 40's now, while cpu is mid 30's.


But looking online i have heard that expert is a better oc'er then the ultra d which is what i have, and the ati i heard just performs better then nf4 boards on benchmarks which would be nice but a 100 -200 mhz boost will make a much bigger difference.


Please Keep bringing the suggestions, This is very helpful,


Thanks again guys,



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The P180 is a great case in my opinion, absolutely love it. Only thing that I dislike about it is the small amount of room you've got for your PSU and cables, I can't use the fan that goes behind the HDDs because there's so little space.


Regarding the ULi problem, apparently people getting it even when using a single disk.

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Ha just get a Evercool for the chipset or place a case fan bloing on the stock one. As long as the stock one is properly in contact with the cooler you should be fine with that. The chipset can take some very high temps.


Have you tried a divider with the ram? Might post a question in the overclockers section there really is no need to change the motherboard it is the best out there for AMD you might get a slight advantage from the Expert but I doubt it. Btw I had that memory and it suddnly decided it would need a new set of timings too.

If benches are a priority then Conroe will be a much better upgrade save up for that.



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