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300 FSB Overclock

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Im at work at the moment and im thinking about trying to get my computer to run at 2700mhz by pumping it up to 300FSB. At the moment im running a 3/4 divider with my fsb being at 260 and ram at like 195. I believe it is stable running at this speed, but i'd like to see if i can get it any higher. I've got one of those Zalman fans on my cpu, you know the one that has heatpipes and is pretty big and has the fan standing and blows the air out the back of your case.


But yeah do you guys think this would be possible? I've got the Core running at 1.5v and it seems to work fine, lots of possibilitys are going through my head and its really painful being at work and not being able to test them out.


My ram has been a little flakey because of the divider but i believe its totally stable now.


Oh yeah btw atm im runnning a Vantec 480W TruePower PSU mainly because I thought my other PSU was causing instability. Also 2 of the hard disks listed in my sig are actually seperatly powered.


What do you guys think?

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I am not saying it will happen, but the possibility is there I suppose. You really need to run Prime95 or something similar to be a little more positive that the clock you are now running is truly stable. You are most likely going to need to pump in some more vcore so be prepared for that. Have you read the "Definitive DFI AMD overclocking guide yet? If not you really should give it a read.


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