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Ok, I have an asus a7n8x deluxe mobo rev 2 with an athlon xp 2800+, using 1 gig of corsair xms pc 3200 ddr and a 431 watt enermax psu. My question is when I get my thermalright slk-800 and panaflo 80 mm 46.9 cfm fan how far do you think I can go to ? I know 3200+ is a no brainer but do you think I can get to a 2.4ghz speed?

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It all boils down to cooling. If you plan on going beyond 400fsb you may want to modify the mobo's cooling. (aka replace the thermal pad with some artic silver on the Northbridge heatsink). I can't speak from experience as I'm only at 333fsb, but I've read that the hs can get pretty warm, being only passively cooled and all. But anyway, very nice choice in motherboards...I've been very happy with mine :D

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those slk's are about the best heatsink you can find without going to watercooling. I would say find a comfotably low multiplier and push the FSB till it starts to become unstable... drop it back down and before you get back up to that point up the one voltage notch and stay there... see how your box takes it.

But like i always say... be carefull and take it SLOW


i've seen too many people burn out Mobo's and CPU's trying to get that perfect OC overnight.


Just my 2 cents

Edited by Muninn

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