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Jerky Motion At High Fps?

Guest Trios

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Well, I'm just wondering whats up with my graphix. I have a pretty darned high FPS in many games (average of over 100 while my monitor is only 85Hz max), but in ALL of them its jerky. It will goo smooth for about a second and a half, then stop and jerk for maybe 300ms, then go smooth again for another very short time. It's very annoying.


Also, it has only done it lately, since my last format, and it does it at all clock speeds (including stock). My CPU is very mildly overclocked (2000+ at 1752), but I doubt that has anything to do with it, and I tried forcing v-sync in directx settings but that didn't help.


Any ideas...?



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3DMark 03, America's Army, Medieval: Total War, and Combat Flight Sim. Those are the only ones I've had a chance to use since the format.


In 3DMark AA and AF is off by default I believe? But either way, the FPS is shown over 100 sometimes and it still jerks every now and then (saw it at 580 in the middle of a jerk in the first game test). I only run it at default settings, and I haven't really played with the settings in the other games much, so I really wouldn't know.


Thanx for the quick reply.



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couple more suggestions...

Make sure you have the up to date drivers with no old drivers in your system

Make sure the resolution is at a maximum 1024 X 768

Put video card clock speeds at stock along with directx and opengl settings stock... Other than that... I've had my comp act funny after a reformat, I was forced to reformat again and everything worked fine. Sometimes Windows doesn't like to work right if you don't install things in order. For example the chipset is the first thing you update after a fresh install. I didn't do that one time and learned my lesson since then on a p4 i850 chipset and it took windows 5-10 minutes to shut down everytime (after a fresh install) Hopefully some of this will help.. Good Luck.

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I'm using the latest Omega drivers, since I think his version of the 9500>9700 softmod is the easiest. I just thank God that it hasn't even been a week since my last format, so I don't have too much I have to lose.


Too bad I have like 8 eMule downloads going right now, I need to wait for them to finish so I can X-fer them to my other HD and format this'n.


Funny thing is, I DID install chipset drivers in correct order. Honestly...Snag was, every time I've done it since I got this A7N8X-X, the install has been...well, weird. USB 2.0 and the chipset drivers won't install the first time I try and give funny messages and things and I become confused and hit my head against the keyboard and then the computer shuts down and wont start up and I go crazy and kill my parents and my girlfriend, then the world resets itself to last week and I need to try again. *SHIVERS*



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sorry about all the mishaps and problems bro..

BTW i heard that the omega drivers are crap. Remove those drivers and try the standard ati drivers.

I've heard conflicting views of the Omega drivers...but they've worked for me so far.


Which reminds me...





*begins cooly calculating*


MWAHAHAH! I shall have my revenge!



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YARGH! I deleted the version I used before off my server! And I don't remember which it was!!!


<hits head on keyboard>


<computer shuts down>





Edited by Trios

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Sorry for triple post, but just wanted to let yall know that another format (and using ATI's drivers w/ a hacked file) fixed it. No more Omegas for me, I'll stick with the catalysts...at least they're heavily tested before release...


Thanks AYoKoNA for all your help, now I can whoop some opfor butt in AA again.



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try turning on vsync that might help

Uhm, no offense....but can you read?


In the first post, I said I tried v-sync, and it didn't help...


In my last post, I said I fixed it, and it was working great...so therefore no more suggestions on fixing my problem were neccessary.



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