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NEW Conroe E6600 ES Step 5: 3850MHz PRIME STABLE on water.

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well like I said, until we here at the this forum get some real retail cpu's and show some real results, I choose to not really take any website reviews into consideration too much because quite frankly I've grown tired of them and their slanted views.


not all of them are that bad, but lately with Conroe I see nothing but fanboyism from a lot of trusted sites (Anandtech is one that has quickly lost any remaining respect). HardOCP, which I have never really cared for, on the other hand, has actually gained quite a bit of respect from me and a lot of us here who ask for real numbers and real results (and in turn, HardOCP's article brought about a LOT of nasty name-calling and insulting from little fanboys who didn't want to see them tell us exactly what we needed to hear...that the Conroe is a great processor, but it ain't any better than the AMD64 other than the price per Mhz, and that will quickly change)

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Yes I agree, there are many ways to pen an improvement, pessimistic and overly optimistic, most review sites fall into the latter, it's the nature of the review sites and their funding.



An example of a 'positivley dressed' review would be;


'Right now Conroe represents the pinnacle of performance, our tests show that it outperforms the AMD counterpart by a staggering 10% accross most applications and for this fact alone should be regarded as must have . (at this point fear of an amd repremand steps in), Let us not forget that AMD systems are tried and tested and with 2007 we should see AMD fighting back..'



I think after a while most of us learn to read between the lines, and understand the flow of nature and business. For the most part we cannot apply our ethics to perfection upon others, the acceptance is that we live and let live. I cannot defend Anandtech wholeheartedly as they have made some errors, but my peronal contact with some of the reviewers at the site has always been positive, they are aware of the general feeling many have of late, and their latest reviews are beginning to claw back some respect (from me anyway as I know the work that goes into them) by being a lot more thourough in testing. Obviously the seasoned amongst us know what the underlying current is behind a review, and Happy said it best when he talked about recieving a steady flow of future review samples from a company by not being overly pessimistic about a bad egg (hence no free conroe for testing), that's the nature of review sites I'm afraid.

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I finally broke down and resorted to begging someone at Intel for one and still got ignored so I guess that's that.



If I had one, I'd send it to you before even opening it. Maybe one of you guys would be generous enough to let Happy test one, so we can get a REAL review and maybe an OCDB entry here on the Street. I think it would be a tremendous sign of appreciation, considering all the things this man has done for all of us.

I am not begging for him, or telling you what to do, just giving my 2 cents.

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TBH you're better off testing the retail stepping 6, that will show the real performance, from the current perspective the clock for clock advantage is not massive. The real difference lies in the current stepping 5 cpu's to overclock on air, most of these are getting at least 1ghz over stock, in reality it's like having your AMD X2 running at that extra speed plus a slight boost, (i'm sure you know what kind of boost you get in games per 100mhz overclock). We don't know yet if stepping 6 will do the same as stepping 5, Happy is more than aware of this fact and knows that testing atm cannot be taken as conclusive, no matter who performs it.


Basically the advantage of Conroe lies within the overclock, all else for gaming rigs is meaningless. In layman terms, if it turns out that stepping 6 is limited in it's overclocks, and you already have a high end AmdX2 cpu, then it may not really be that worthwhile an upgrade as you won't really see a massive boost.


If you've still held on to your current AMDX2 cpu or Intel counterpart, by the time Conroe goes full retail, your second hand sale revenue will be significantly reduced, you have to weigh up whether or not you want to spend the extra cash for the Conroe and it's hardware requirements.


If you must have Conroe, then there is still a tiny window to sell your system and maximise your return to fund your Conroe purchase.


Now if it's a brand new system you're after cos the old dogs virtually dead, then at the price point Conroe offers a little more performance dollar for dollar than AMd at it's current price point.



I have said this before, games are more GPU bound nowadays - if you already have a fast processor.

If we ignore the wirte ups of most reviews and study the benchmarks alone, we can see this very simply.


So if you're expecting masssive frame rate increases you may be suprised to find that it's fairly even, with Conre at a 10% fps average advantage in certain games (not all, some are within the same fps rates).


The difference lies in the overclock ability and this is the unknown factor in the retail cpu's.


I live in the UK, so I can't send it overseas, without being prepared to be without a pc for a few weeks, it's the only cpu I've got, if I had more I'd send it, on the premise I'd get it back.


What else do you really want to see?


I dont have many games, I've got Oblivion (which I don't play anyway), Graw and the BF2 series, other than that I can download some demos if you wish.


The other issue I have atm is that the DFI 975XG does not really overclock that well, so we are not really seeing the full performance of Conroe until the memory timing issues are resolved.




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reel files, you should have posted your response here not in the overclocking database!



If you had read my post properly above you would have seen that the DFI 975XG maxxes out between 370-400fsb, depending on your hardware setup -Crossfire and raid 0 knock 10-15 off the max fsb the board will allow. What you are seeing in the database is not the max speed of the cpu, I am limited by the board. All users with this board have found this problem.



the oc failed control knocks the fsb back to a level slected by the user in that field.






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Whoops, my mistake, thought I was in here, thanks. I can't delete it, I edited it to reflect that.


Thanks for the info, I did read that but I got distracted and walked away in the middle of writing my post, then I forgot.

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