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What X2 processors overclock well? Any that match the overclockability

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Sorry for the confusion ...


When I see posts like

Basically the question I want answered is what X2 steppings and editions overclock well?

I "read" this to ask "I want a guarantee of a certain overclock".


IMHO the only way to get this is to buy a system someone else has already built and proven stable at a given clock.



I don't mean to pick or dump on you at all (I've been there myself), but I really don't have any faith in "super weeks" for CPUs.


There are always guys who don't get the great clocks, but don't post for weeks or months because they are embarased their rig isn't top dog.


Give it a try, and the best of luck to you.

Just don't be crushed if after paying extra for a select chip your results are just average. :O

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I suggest going with the the X2 3800+ if you want an X2. Same thing if you're going to build an AM2 rig. It will offer the best price/performance ratio


Actually I have do disagree with you (although I think it's stupid to buy a AM2 at the moment, or for that matter any processor). For the AM2, the 4000+ is the better choice. Sure the 1mb cache may not be that much of an advantage but it is an advantage and the price difference (at least where I live) is so small that the question to me is why not?

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I am wondering the same exact thing b/c of the following reasons:


  1. 4600 will be $301 ...a good $160 lower than the 4400. At stock speeds the 4600 out performs the 4400 pretty easily since its brother is really the 4800.
  2. AMD is going to stop supporting L2 1MB caches so they probably won't lower prices since they'll probably bank on enthusiasts buying the last of this breed ...and people will
  3. Searching the 939 OC DB, there does not appear to be anyone posting results of OCing a 4600. Pretty much figured that would be the case but had to try. :P I did find this thread but it was November 2005 and he didn't really post enough information for me to make a judgement based off of it. Would be nice to hear from someone experienced in OCing.


One thing I am sure of though is that I'm definitely going to wait awhile before trying the AM2 or Conroe (Core 2). I foresee a huge tech/price war coming upon us which should make us all the victors. I'll guess a year or 2 till things calm down enough to even consider buying a chip. So I'm trying to think of a chip that will last me these next couple of years... 165 or 4600? :confused:

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Seems to me the best deal lies with the 3800's right now. Even despite the noobed L2 cache, I don't think you will notice it when running at a high clock.


I'm going to wait and see how low the 165's fall too or even if they fall at all before making a judgement.


What 3800 steppings am I looking for?

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I'm going to wait and see how low the 165's fall too or even if they fall at all before making a judgement.


I think 165 prices may drop even if not directly sanctioned by AMD mainly because of competition by the 3800 X2 will basically force it to happen. This is already happening with opty 144s and 146s on ebay.


Its gonna be hard for people to justify buying a 165 when the 3800 X2 is literally half the price.


Obviusly it is better to have 1MB x 2 L2 cache, but what is this talk I hear of L2 cache not scaling well with increased clock speeds?


But seriously I can't wait for the price drop because its gonna kick butt when we can get dual cores with 10x multipliers for only $170. A few weeks ago even a single core 3500 was costing more than that.

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