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Can't Specify Additional Drivers During Windows Installation?

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Hi guys now i lost my drivers floppy disk for my motherboard and after buying a new hard drive i tried re-installing windows but i downloaded the drivers off the dfi site extracted them to floppy as instructed tried to specify them and it just keeps saying "please insert a manufactures support disk" or something similar, my floppy drive led comes on just doesn't read from it!



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ok something strange has happend i just installed windows onto my hard drive without slipstreaming or using floppy's (yesterday it just blue screened) but my 250gb hard drive only has 125gb of free space? why?

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kool, urm do i press F6 still should it just install the drivers automatically?


The nLite slipstream process integrates the drivers into the installation. So, no, you don't need to press F6.


I just reloaded my OS a couple of days ago. I made a slipstream CD, but it wouldn't work right for some reason. I know it had something to do with nLite's ability to go in and disable basically anything you want for the installation- I must have disabled something that I shouldn't have. I ended up loading my OS the "old fashioned" way.


Don't get me wrong- I think slipstreaming is a great idea and it obviously works for the large majority of people who try it. I'm just a little bit dense and I don't want to take the time to figure out what I was doing wrong.


Someone who posts here made a great tutorial for integrating the nForce drivers with nLite. I thought I had a link to it, but I can't find it. I'm sure someone here will have the link.

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I had the same issue and gave up on floppy drives...I use nLite to slipstream drivers into the windows xp install...Google nLite and you will find a good solution.


Wow that is a way easer way of slipstreaming than i use to do :nod:. Thx

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Yeah nLite is the nicest program I have found...I am am working on an XP install disk that does it all on its lonesome, its possible to boot into windows and never touch a thing, so I am still working with it as I go.

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