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I have an XP 120 and a Ninja and the ninja does outperform it but I like the xp-120 better because the fan blows over the memory/chipset/mobo components while the ninja only cools the cpu. Also note that while both of these are massive heatsinks, the ninja borders on rediculous, I actually had to bend the case slightly to get the motherboard tray to slide into my case with the ninja mounted on it.


The xp-120 cools well enough even for extreme air OCing so I would do the 120 if you can afford the extra 15$ over the ninja.


I have a 3rd system utilizing an XP-90 and it works fine for the venice 3000+ @ 2700mhz anyway, I prefer the 120 because it keeps my memory a lot cooler and I can have a lower speed quieter fan on it and keep just as cool. The memory is quite warm(uncomfortably near hot) to the tough on the system with the xp-90, the one with the xp 120 cools the ram to the point of them being barely warm to the touch. I dont know if my ram really needs cooling, but I feel more comfortable with it being cooled.

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thenks for the info:

and regarding the xp-120 does it fit on my mobo ?

and can i attach a 240v 120mm fan on the xp-120 ?




p.s. the fan on the ram is not attached. ( anyhints how i can attach it? )

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thenks for the info:

and regarding the xp-120 does it fit on my mobo ?

and can i attach a 240v 120mm fan on the xp-120 ?




p.s. the fan on the ram is not attached. ( anyhints how i can attach it? )


The XP-120 will fit...no problem. Just get that and don't bother with the ghetto ram cooling. Any standard 120mm fan will fit. I would suggest using a panaflo...I think Thermalrite has some recommendations on their website...

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Yes OldGuy, everywhere I've looked has recommended the Panaflo 92mm with 69CFM for the XP-90. Sidewinder Computers even offers a combo discount when you buy an XP-90 and a Panaflo 92mm fan along with it.




As for this thread, I would look at Cooler Master cases like the Centurion series. Cases are pretty much personal preference, but make sure you get one that has good air flow (look at other reviews).


And a piece of advice before you come across these, Raidmax cases are THE WORST. I have one currently, the rig is very old, and other people support my opinion.

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The tsunami has horrible air flow. PITA to get PSU's in and out. The only nice thing is that it is pretty. If you live in California I'll sell ya mine for 40 bucks...

I don't think it does. My System Temp is around 25C and my CPU averages 30C (or 36C under heavy 3D gaming load)... with stock AMD HS/Fan. Was even lower when I lived on the east coast and low elevation (22 Sys Temp, 25 CPU - w/ 30~32C for heavy load) but I noticed my temp went up when I moved to a higher elevation. (5500ft) And since its the 1st computer I ever built you know my wiring looks like a newb did it.


I'm happy with the Tsunami, tho I AM eyeing the Armor. I have to say, I think the Termaltakes got some mean looks to them. :cool: A lot of sites keep recommending Lian Lis and CoolerMasters, but... they're soo boring looking.


I'll find out about how hard it is to change the PSU in a month or two since I am thinking of upgrading to a Ultra-D motherboard.

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I had an NFII infiniti with an XP 2600 mobile. No OC. Simple setup. 1 HD, Optical, floppy. 1 stick of ram...The stock 120mm fans front and rear...and figured everything was cool to put the sides back on and let it sit and fold...I have never touched the outside of a case before and felt one as hot as this thing got! I swear it was like touching the outside of an oven door. I've never liked it from day one and that particular experience didn't earn it any brownie points with me :) I've read several happy camper posts with this case but I absolutely hate mine. From the top mounted USB ports to the fact that you have to remove the door to remove the 5 1/4 bay cover at the top spot to the pain in the butt getting a PSU in and out without removing your HSF and getting around the danged top mounted USB port cables...


Did I mention that I hate it ?????? :)

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Most cases suck totally or have parts that are not really thought about by the engineerers.

Actually i have the Antec P180 and the new Coolermaster 830. None of them is worth the money. Thermaltakes are even worse. You can make holes into them with your fingers because they are so damn thin. The only perfect case i came across is the Yeong Yang CETUS Series. If they are big enough for you get one.


The Antec P180 i bashed enough in here already i think :)



About the Stacker 830


These are the "lockers" on the sides and not mouting rails. If you put them to lock some very small metal pins pop out and into 2 screw holes of a drive.

Totally useless system holds nothing at all. No wonder they tell you to use screws too to attach drives. As you can see on the pic it is really hard to get the screws in.

The holes are a bit too small too.

The floppy attachment brackets were unuseable on 2 cases i got because the screw holes are simply too small. Series failure i think.

The motherboard rail is nice but its just held in place by 2 small plastic stoppers. The lower part does not tighten at all and hangs around kinda loose.


Still this one is the best big tower i came across just needs some minor modifications.

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