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Aim Hacker? Help


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just recently this guy been using my screen name and talking to my freind


next day he came on with another screen name and started talking to the same

person, but she had it set to only people on my buddy list can talk to me, was weird because she didnt have him on her buddy list. Then he directly connected to her and she didnt even agree or anything it just happened and a file started to send, was a small file so it was there instantly and started to say extracting virus with its own little program.


guys name was [email protected]

imed her with the @mac.com and everything ive never seen that before


anyone can help or just deal with this mofo lol


thanks guys :)

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... all i can say is.... firewall... and get everyone on ur buddy list to change their paswords, and run virus scan... no clue what this guy is doing, it might have not been an aim thing and just be a ie popup or soemthing that looks like an im window... or maye its mass hypnosis... or some government conspiracy... :ph34r:

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