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Fixing My System After A Botched Xp Install


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OK, I happened upon an XP home disk. I start to install it on my HD. It reaches a point where it loads a big chunk of it's files on the HD and restarts the computer. At this point I realize I need to format my HD to install XP. I say screw this. So I go on my way and cancel install plus try to find and delete the files it dumped on my HD.

Result? Now I have a dual boot screen everytime I start up. I can either load my defult windows (98SE), or continure XP Install (which won't work). I'm able to load 98, but this screen's a big hassle. Now I try to get rid of this. I find XP's boot.ini. Now just to let you know, I know nothing about booting. After kicking around some websites, I edit the file.

Result? Now I can't even boot into 98. It automatically looks for my XP startup files, which I deleted. How can I fix this? I have a copy of the original XP boot.ini, so once I can restore this I'll be a lot happier, but I still need help fixing all the crap XP screwed up.

I'm feeling real angry at XP and incredibly stupid. I could use some real specific help right about now.

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OK, so you are getting a dual booting screen and want XP only installed on your system, correct? If so, just insert your XP disk and boot to it (you can change the boot sequence in BIOS) then delete the partition 98 is installed on and then delete the partition XP is installed on then create one partition and install XP on that partition, you will have to create a partition first then before the installation starts your HD will be formatted. After that you should be set (just remember to reset your boot sequence in BIOS once you finish this) I would have my boot sequence as

1 boot device --> floppy

2 bott device --> HD

3 boot device --> CD-ROM

or whatever you prefer

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OK, I just fixed my boot.ini file. Now I'm not as frantic.

Right now I want to cut all ties with XP. XP didn't actually load, it just screwed up my bootup. I want to get back to 98SE, which I have working, but I need to cut the ties with XP's startup. I need to learn how to reasscoiate my original startup sequence. Where are the files that store the settings for this. I don't even know what files 98 executes to begin it's boot.

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well you shouldn't really be installing winxp (or any OS) over win98se (or any existing OS). It's ALWAYS better to do a fresh install. If you need files on your comp, burn them to a cd, transfer them to another computer, etc.

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