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3700 san diego won't go past 2600?


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yeh I do, but only when it hits 50c and it never goes above 45. frickin annoyed if i can only get 2600. there are some people on this forum who have had 2800 on stock voltages.


I couldn't go pass 2700 when i was using x9 mp . With X10 or x11 i can get 2970 @ 1.47 didn't try lower voltage. I also can't get 3000 even on 1.65 :( . It's just end of road :)

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Well in ur case I'll bet its that A8N-SLI premium holding u back from 3GHZ. I have a A8N32-SLI and it wont do 3ghz ethier. But my expert will! At 1.55 Vcore 300x10.

The A8n32-SLI makes a great paper weight though!

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could well be just bad luck, but I'm gonna make damn sure it is! I can't see how some people are getting 3000 on stock volts, and i'm not getting 2600 at 1.6. I can understand there being some difference in chips, but that's HUGE!


MafiaMan - I've tried 10x and 11x - same problem on both.


It can't be the limit of my CPU - all other benchmarks are fine, it has to be a problem that only prime notices.

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Guest Retratserif

Yeah, then your chips just not going to got that far. Look at mine, I think that is as far as it can go. I went from 255*11 to 256*11 and my board will not boot for the life of me. I think the mem controler gave out. I stablized it at 255 and then started to tweak the timings down while holding it stable. That all worked out pretty good. Then I gave it one little bump and boom it all came down. Sometimes you just dont get a good OC'ing chip.

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Guest EFiNi7

You have to pull your heatsink off and take a note of all the codes marked on your chip

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Guest EFiNi7

The biggest difference. Its the difference between a chip that easily does 3GHz on low or stock voltage, and one like mine that needs stupid amounts of voltage to get anywhere. Which means less voltage, less temps and more stable PC.

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