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AMD Athlon X2 3800+ OC Problem

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X2 3800+ Toledo? I thought they were only available with Machester cores... :confused:


I tried to rand 2 Prime95's and one continues without any problems, but the other one stops @ 4 ~ 14 minutes... Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse... :sad:


Is there a way I can get my 2.74GHz stable with both cores?


Thanks all, and take care!



first ones were Toledos w/ half cache disabled (iirc?), then they moved to Manchesters.


Rik the "stepping information" everyone is asking about is the three printed lines of letters and numbers right on the front of the CPU itself...can't get it from software of any kind...you'd need to remove the heatsink assembly and scrape off the thermal pad/grease in order to see it.


stepping info will be three lines of alphanumeric code and will look something like this:






all three of those lines are necessary in determining how well your CPU might overclock. the codes show which core you have, what week it was made, how late in the week, the number of the batch the CPU came from, etc.

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I am pretty happy here, just got 2.68GHz stable, (setting it to 1.55V did the trick, and my temps are great, 35*C under full load, thanks for that one tasr :) ) trying 2.69GHz, but I don't expect much problems.
This is real good, temps are good and you’re happy.


I also tried 2.72GHz just after 2.68GHz, but the second core failed after 45mins. but one core just went on and on, any suggestions?

You maybe able to achieve 2.7Ghz by setting LDT/FSB Frequency Ratio – 4. You will more than likely have to change your FSB and a few other settings in memory. Just make sure you have everything recorded from your BIOS. Remember CPU Mhz is king on a A64 chip and as long as your memory frequency is close 2000 you will be in good shape.


Here are a few good threads with some good info on that. This is long but has a very good explanation of the A64 chip and memory relationship. This is a way of checking memory frequency with math and a good utility.


Also set your PCI eXpress Frequency - 100Mhz. There is no need to be at 133Mhz.


tasr :)

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Hi tasr, and all other peeps who read this thread, these are my exact specs for the moment, the HTT/FSB is set to 269 becouse I am testing that currently, but 268MHz was 100% stable @ Dual Prime95:



i have ddr 400 can i use the same settings he used ?

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Rik.Reinink rig is every bit different than yours. The only thing your rigs have in common is the board and chip. Even those can be totally different in the revision, stepping and BIOS. Even if your rig were identical chances are you’ll never get the same overclock. You can use it as a start, but don’t be disappointed if you run into lots of issues. You are better off starting from scratch, just my opinion.


tasr :)

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Hiya all!


First I want to thank you all for your advice, becouse it gave me some nice overclock here. I got it stable for 12+ hours @ 2.7GHz on 1.55Volts, but still, I'm not really content... I'm sure some of you will find me really stupid now, you know, from a default 2GHz up to 2.5GHz, even manage 2.64GHz and then even 2.7GHz, sure, I'ts cool, but when I see people with the same CPU hit 3.15GHz I really go like :eek2: !!


Ofcourse, I don't need to hit the 3GHz, (I would like to be able to boot it on 3GHz once, but that won't work :(, get some BSOD) but I do like to have 2.77GHz, so my RAM would also be optimal used:


277 * 0.9 = 249.3 ~ 250MHz = DDR500


2.74GHz seems to stop at Prime95 (dual) in aprox. 50 minutes. I set my memory things all on auto and on the lowest divider possible (DDR200) so it wouldn't be my memory irritating me.


Can anyone help me get this last 70MHz extra?


Thanks in advance guys, and take care!



By the way:


I also was playing around with 2.9GHz, just to show off to some friends of mine ;). It stops Prime95 at less then 5 seconds, but I dont like this:


I don't get BSODs, I just get an instant hang, is this equal to an BSOD, or is this hang being caused by something else?


Jeez, why do I always need to make such large posts...

If one of you is going to reccommend me to increase voltage a little bit, what voltage is safe, and what temps will be ok?


And about my stepping... Do you guys really want/need to know it, I'll have to unscrew my mobo, take apart my Cooler, and remove that Cooling stuff (live in the Netherlands, can't really remember the name, in dutch it's called Cooler Pasta :angel: )

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I got it stable for 12+ hours @ 2.7GHz on 1.55Volts
Great job!!!! :D


You are getting into the real fine tuning of OC’ing so you need to really understand the settings. As a general limit on volts I will not exceed 1.55v, but it really depends on your comfort level. I don’t know your current temps. How are you monitoring them? I suggest MBM5 get it here. Good temps on air are, idle 20c-30c and load 31c-45c. I personally will go to 50c max. I believe your chip is rated higher at 60c max temp.


I don’t need your stepping. Other people may really bug you to get the stepping; it seems you have a good one. You are getting great clocking out of that chip so far. In the future when you take the HSF off you may want to write it down.


Edit your settings post with your current BIOS setting.


I still see in those settings PCI eXpress Frequency - 133Mhz. Set this to 100Mhz. There is no sense in using the extra power here. Not saying this will get that that last 70Mhz you what but may help stability. Get your settings updated and post back.

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Hi Tasr!


Thanks :D


Indeed, it will be fine tuning from now on!! I changed the PCI eXpress bus to 100MHz a while ago, just didn't update it yet. I did read some posts where people actually do set them to ~ 103MHz, becouse that helps getting things more stable?


I think I have a good stepping indeed, maybe I'll take off the cooler and write my stepping down somewhere these days. I do have some GEIL heatspreading stuff (got it with my memory :cool: ) is that stuff better than CoolerMasters?


I'm currently working on my memory timings, want to get everything out of my rig, you know ;) :cool:


Thanks, and take care!


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Hi people!


I got like really curious and screwed off my CoolerMaster AquaGate Mini, removed the Cooling Compound, and guess what.... my stepping :)


*I'd like some trumpets here!*


My stepping is: LDBHE 0604VPMW


I'm doing some research now what other clockers got out of that baby. Well guys, just wanted to keep y'all up to date, and to be honest, I'd like to hit a 4 post thread ;)




Take Care guys!





I needed to replace the cooling compound, and I used the GEIL stuff wich was included with my memory, it wasn't silverish, like most, but goldish, and got me ~5*C lower temps :eek2: :shake: :D


I love GEIL :D

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I've been oc'ing my 3800+ X2 64 and it's stable at 2.5GHz. I've tried 2.7 and it will get into windows and run tests fine, but after a while playing Battlefield 2, the bf2 app will crash to desktop. The same at anything above 2.5GHz.


Just wondering if anyone's isolated what a ctd (but not a total system crash) is most likely to mean... In terms of trying to get my system stable at higher temperatures, I'd like to know exactly what I should be concentrating on in my settings.


It sounds like a heat issue to me, perhaps on the RAM.



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Hey Xeus, and all others!


From the things I've read, Battlefield 2 is EXTREMELY sensitive to overclocking...


I've tried 2.7 and it will get into windows and run tests fine


Do you mean Dual Prime95 with this? Becouse if Prime is stable your problem probably isn't your heat, I think the problem is the (bad) programming of BF2...



Back to my own thing, my stepping... Just did some research on google, when I use: "LDBHE 0604VPMW" as a keywords, I get some spanish and german sites, thats all... Anybody can enlighten me about my stepping, I knew there was some stepping database on the street, but where? :angel:


One more little thing... Does temp. decrease help in stability, in other words;


I can do 2.7GHz stable @ 1.55V @ ~45-48*C... IF I get rid of the IHS, and loose some 5~8*C, would I be able to make 2.8GHz of that, or is this incorrect thinking?


Thanks y'all, and Take Care!


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I can do 2.7GHz stable @ 1.55V @ ~45-48*C... IF I get rid of the IHS, and loose some 5~8*C, would I be able to make 2.8GHz of that, or is this incorrect thinking?

If you pop the top (remove the IHS) chances are you may loose 5~8° C off your load temp with water cooling. Air cooling you may loose 2~5° C off your load. No guaranties though and there is a risk of damaging your CPU. Check out the thread on IHS removal and do some more research.


I have definitely have seen an increase in stability with cooler temps. Low temps will increase the longevity of a chip when OC’ing is involved. A big advantage with lower temps is you can increase volt to the vcore to help with stability. You’re probably won’t because your already at 1.55v.

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