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Expert Locks and/or Crashes Randomly

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Alright lets see If I can't get yall up to speed on my issues. About 10 days ago I was playing Lineage II and one of my 2 7800GTX's started going bad with artifacts color distorions and the whole 9 yards. So I broke down the system and sent my 2 7800GTX's into eVGA for upgrades to 7900GTX's. While the system was broke down I found a leak in my watercooling loop that I couldn't fix. So today when I got my new 7900GTX's I used a Thermlatake Big Typhoon to cool the CPU and left the stock coolers on the 7900GTX's. Seems like my system should work right? Nothign has changed.


Yeah right... that would be too easy. I thought my CPU might lock up due to heat so I clocked it back to stock and reset to base settings. Booted it all back up and I still got a lockup when I fired up LIneage II. So I scanned my system and I saw that the 2 slot design of the 7900GTX cooler was covering 65% of my NB fan so I positioned a 80mm fan between the 7900GTX and the rotated HDD cage to handle it. It helped but the next time I fired up LIneage II my system locked up again, then when I let it spaz for 2 min it came back and the graphics were becoming distorted so I turned it off.


So I let it sit for 5 min then turned it back on, loaded windows and came here to post. As long as I stay in windows, w/o firing up a game I am ok, but that defeats the purpose of having this system.


All my temps are within the norms.


CPU tops out at 35C

GPU tops out at 55C or so

NF4 monitor says system is 42C

I am betting my NB is in the 55C range, give or take, but idk how to monitor it from windows


I uninstalled my X-FI in case somehow that was the problem but that didn't help.


I need some suggestions. Maybe my mobo has gone bad?

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Edit: it seems to have failed Prime95 this time through. I may pull one 7900GTX out and see if its stable then


I am going to run 1 pass of memtest via bios and pull one card. Ill post back in 45 (time it takes for 1 run of memtest)

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Alright I finished a Memtest 86 run @ DDR400 and I passed, I know its nothing difinitive because its just 1 run but I'm fairly certain the RAM isn't bad.


Edit: I am on test 2 of Prime95 which is where it crashed last time


Edit 2: passed Self-test 1024k, passed 896k section, passed 786k section, proceeding to next section (furthest it has been), I think I have a bad Pci-e 16x slot.

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