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Automatic Restarts

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They are saying that Nvidia sent out alot of GPU chips for the 7900 to the different vendors that the memory and chip clocks were set at their max. Nividia didn't leave any [ceiling room] for overclockers to increase the speeds and any increase causes random system reboots and freezing, you can goggle 7900 random system freezing or reboots and get articals.

They say it isn't anyone vendor all are effected in intial 7900 realese, eVGA seems to be leading the way in problematic cards, however all vendors are reporting no increase in returns or RMA's for a first release product. Not that any vendor would say yeah we have alot of defective cards out their, rephrase that they aren't concidered defective since they run at advertised clock speeds. Thay say using earlier drivers helps with this problem. 78xx

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goin out on a limb here.. but perhaps it isn't your psu... I had a similar problem and it turned out ot be a driver issue.


1st- see if windows is set to auto reboot after a fatal error, if so you can tell it to ramdump instead which will give you lots of confusing bit sequences to look at.. but probably won't help ya... but it will keep it from flat out rebooting on you... although the only difference is you'll have to reboot it yourself....


2nd- go to admin tools and check your event log, see if there was a driver error at the time your computer rebooted (or dumped if you changed it)... I'd guess that there'll be something of use there.... or at least its a good place to start....


my prob turned out to be with a driver for the nvidia nic port.. it was called nvr0d or something along those lines (I think.. could be way off).. i updated it.. and no problems since...


let us know how it goes!

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The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x100000d1 (0x00d600ff, 0x00000002, 0x00000001, 0xf7473004). A dump was saved in: C:WINDOWSMinidumpMini042406-06.dmp.


For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.


i tihink its this ...






uploaded the logs maybe...

Download Logs

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well... we've gotten that far at least...it doesn't look like anyone else is going to step in so here goes.... I hate to be the one to tell you this... but read this link...




it'll tell ya how to figure out what driver is associated with the bugcheck you received.... hopefully that is....


you never mentioned if that stopped the reboots... I mean... you're dumping it so it must have... nevermind...


good luck... if I get a chance I'll try and figure it out based on your screenshots.. but without knowing all your hardware and software details... it'll be more of a shot in the dark to figure it out... so good luck... let us know what you find out next...


:edit: I think it might be a network card issue... whether that be a nic port, modem, or even a USB hub I'm not sure... but it might be a good place to start.. as I mentioned earlier... a similar problem for me was my rj45 port........ :

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