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Wireless NICS for DLG-43000???


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Im looking for 3 wireless NIC's for use with a DLG-4300. Im going to be spending 100$ on the router and dont wana pay much over 30$ each for the NIC's... Im trying to keep the total bill as close to 200$ as possible.


Any advice/suggestions????

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Ive got the same router. Your best bet is to stay in the D-Link family. If you want to take advantage of the routers 108Mbps then your gonna need a card that supports AirPlus XtremeG, like the DWL-G520. Specs found here:


Or you might be able to use the WDA-2320, can't say for sure. You could just e-mail their tech support and find out.

I went to pricegrabber.com and found the DWL-G520 for $37 w/ a $15 rebate, so $17.

If 54Mbps is enough for you then just grab one of D-links wireless G desktop adapters. I think they have like three different models and they should all be really cheap considering everyones moving to draft-N wireless now.

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Net? You mean your internet connection? 4Mbps seems slow, but then again my connection is at 7Mbps. From what Ive been told, 108Mbps is a theoretical max. You'll most likely never hit that speed. That beeing said, having as many Mbps available to you as possible will net you more real world speed b/c as you get farther away and your signal gets weaker, your gonna drop more packets and your gonna hafta resend them, slowing your connection even further. So if your only really using your router to share your connection and you don't have alot of distance to cover, then go w/ a 802.11b solution. That would be the cheapest. However, if your transfering data between two or more computers over your wireless network then take advantage of the extra Mbps.

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