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New Board, No Clock


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I recently switched from a ultra-d to a sli-dr and now i cant oc at all. Its stock or die. I turn up the voltage, it doesnt help. I mess with the multplier and it doesnt help . im at a loss now, i had my 4200 running 2.6 on my ultra-d and now i cant budge it past stock on a sli-dr.


btw sli-dr is rev. AD0

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Hmm.....which Bios version are you running for that board? Well, the Ultra-D is very different compared to SLI-DR if you didn't notice. Just because you can overclock to 2.6GHz doesn't mean you can reach that high with another board, but in your case that is very odd not being able to overclock at all.

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Have you installed the AMD X2 fix for the motherboard yet.


I also hope you re-installed your OS since getting your new board. If you don't you're just asking for troubles sooner or later. I also recommend reformatting the partition too, but not so important.

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I had a weird issue like that too. I had to unplug my computer and turn off the switch for a good eight hours. When I turned it back on... it worked again. Weirdest . ever. Maybe it'll work for you.

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Apparently the SLI-DR doesnt like to run my ram at 1T like my ultra-d did. disabled cpc and i havent had any instability problems yet. I wonder if i should switch ram slots and try again as right now im using the yellows. I know that it doesnt matter but eh anything is worth a shot.



i only jumped up to 210x11 but no problems unlike earlier so i think CPC was the source of my problems. Time to get back to 2.6 then hopefully higher tonight. :)

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