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Venice stable at 250x10


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My super budget build has hit a stumbling block, the psu (I think).


I guess it won't supply enough stability when I overclock beyond 250x10, I can boot into windows at 2720MHz, surf the net etc. but benchmarking becomes unstable until it's reduced to 250x10.


Obviously the lack of amplitude has curtailed my memory overclocking too, I can run on a 166 divider at 2-2-2-5, anything beyond that even @ 2.9v and I get errors, I have relaxed timings and run 1:1 @ 2400 but that's as far as it will go.


Am I correct in my belief that the 18A 12v rail is the problem, or am I barking up the wrong tree?


I was looking at a PC Power&Cooling 510W Turbo Cool today, but for the next few weeks I'm out of luck moneywise, so unfortunately I had to pass it up.


Any suggestions about whether my 400W psu is the problem or otherwise and recommended psu's which will allow me to push my rig as far as possible without breaking the bank would be much appreciated.


I think an OCZ Modstream or Powerstream might be just beyond my budget.


Many Thanks

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18 Amps I'm surprised it doesn't crash at stock. Oh wait that takes a few weeks B4 the PSU degrades to that extent. I tried two different PSU's with 18 amp 12V rails the better 1 lasted 5 weeks. I'm talking about when I ran the 250 Gb. Said to hell with the cheap crap and bought this PSU and couldn't be happier. My PSU is good enough for another future upgrade as well so it's not like I wasted money like I did on the 2 P.O.S. PSU's.

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