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AMD benchmarks


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It seems I just spent the last 20-30 minutes searching google for good benchmarks. All I seem to find are Intel Vs AMD benchmarks.


All I am interested in is AMD benchmarks. Everything from my current cpu (Athlon +3200 64bit) to 4800 X2 and to the Opteron.


I have been thinking of getting the Opteron 165. I would just like to see the benchmarks first. Without benchmarks first, i 100% do not have enough cash to blindly invest in a other cpu.

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What area(s) of performance are you interested in? I like to look though anand for reviews thouth even they can be off at times. http://www.anandtech.com/cpuchipsets/defau...=10&topicid=101



Though not as neat and pretty Hard op often has more usefull reviews as they are more real world based thater than cute little benchmarks that dont always rellate to the real world.





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