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what chips are in my ram


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ok i've searched and searched and googled and googled but either i'm thick or useless so heres my Question.

I've got some OCZ 3200 performance rev 3 ram(2 X 512) and i can't find out what chips they are and the max juice i can put through them.

I don't care about warranty cause I have a credit care and I know how to use it..

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what is the stock voltage?

stock voltage of tccd is going to be lower than that of BH5

my rev 2's were tccd i would think that about yours too...

just when overclcoking... when u cant push farther..start slowly rasing voltage..if it doesnt help..u know they dont liek the voltage

and they wil most likely error with more voltage than needed....just dont push too much voltage..go in slow slow steps.

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Sorry bit late getting back (outlaws are in town:()

stock i think is 2.66 they have the EVP from ocz so i can go to 3. volt but i did that and some no help they seem to like a bit o volts but i don't want to fry them if i can help it

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