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couple questions about the ultra-d and ocz

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ok in may ill be finishing my computer build, ill be replaceing my current mobo and vid card with a evga 7900GT and a DFI LANPARTY UT nF4 Ultra-D, and with the ultra d requireing a HDD and floppy connecter im not sure thats its really all that possable in with my set up. my modstream has the floppy connecter its tied into a HDD one(atm im useing it to run my dvd burner and 9800pro) can i use that cable (heres a pic of them, stolen from a review site, useing my own hosting thou, http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v349/ren...-104-154-05.jpg)

for both teh connecters? or would i need 2 different lines? and for non Sli(with modding) use are they really needed?


ok 2nt question

i have this ram: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16820227069

i plan to get 1 more gig of it when i got the $$$ will it work with the mobo?


ty for your helps

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You will need that cable to hook up your motherboard to the power supply.


I had to ditch my floppy drive too, but it wasnt a problem because the only reason I'd need a floppy is to set up RAID and i don't use RAID. And even If I did want to use RAID I could just slipstream the raid driver onto my Windows XP install disk.


So you shouldnt need the floppy drive.


The memory will work with the motherboard, but if you are running 4 sticks ie 4 x 512mb then the frequency at which the memory is run will be reduced to 333Mhz DDR instead of 400Mhz. It is optimal for to get 2 x 1gb sticks for 2gb


Hope this helps.

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During the build you will be at stock speeds. There hasn't been a problem using the 4pin floppy connector on the floppy during setup. As soon as you're done with the floppy, move the connector back to the motherboard.

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im not useing a floppy thou, havent used one sense my first prebuilt had one, what i want to know is if i need a one power line for for molex connecter on the board or one for the 4 pin floppy style one, or if i can use the cable wih both of them on it?

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It's best to keep the 4pin floppy and 4pin molex power connectors on their own PSU leads. This ensures that you get the maximum current available to the connector. If possible do not use these leads to power any other devices.

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dont plan on OCIng for now and the one cable ill run some tests on and see how it works


waht about hte ram thou? will it work ok with this board? and could i say get a 2 gig kit(2 1 gig sticks) and run as 3 total gigs or get all matching ram?

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its best to stick with 2 sticks - same type and size

dual channel - using 3 sticks would not let you run dual channel and it would be slower --


get a 2 gig kit - dual channel -


i have to check how i got mines connected now -


but i think i have it also connected with the floppy cable going to the two connections on the board also


i havnt had any issues - but i guess its good to have each separate - i only have one open slot on my PSU - everything else is used - not sure if i can connect each separate - something to look over i guess -

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its best to stick with 2 sticks - same type and size

dual channel - using 3 sticks would not let you run dual channel and it would be slower --


get a 2 gig kit - dual channel -


i alrdy have 2 sticks of ram jstu 512 each, could i run 2 more sticks of 1 gig each?

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