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So Far So Good

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Got the stuff in my rig today, expect the enermax is 535W. Took me a good 5 hours to get windows XP installed (took over an hour to format the SATA 320GB HDD) and the Antec still isnt set up right fully. But thats here nor there... the mobo posted on the first attempt and set up. I think the splash screen colors are funky and not normal but it works fine so meh.


It seems though the front USB ports arnt working, Ill have to investigate when im not dead tired. And there are some front panel audio connectors that I just dont know where they go. Also that big removable audio module doesnt seem to fit with the big 120MM case fan blocking it. Front panel USB doesnt work, havent gotten any sound at all.


The only thing in the device manager thats still unknown is some kind of PCI Bus thingy and I dont know where to get the driver for it.


The X1800XT fit and works perfectly.



Ill post more later, when im not smashed tired.

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Glad its working so far. :)


I've heard some cases do have fans that get in the way of the audio module, not much you can do unless you mod your case a bit. Or get a soundcard I suppose.


Odd the front panel USB prots aren't working, might want to double check both ends to make sure they're solidly in place.

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Luckily I do have an old sound blaster PCI card I could use... but I dont see why I couldnt just wire up the front panel jacks (dont know where they go though).


Im just tired as hell... I actually dont even think I have the front USB ports connected to the Mobo. This antec takes alot of work, and I dont know how im getting that audio module to mount... I may just have to go PCI sound.

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If your paying out for a DFI board then you are def the kind of user that needs a discrete sound card. The real advantage of the audio module is that you can just leave it off and not just disable it like with most boards.

The Creative X-Fi Xtreme Music is recommended for £82 and theres the budget always the more budget Audigy choice.

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Well, im not an audio freak... and I've dropped a good deal of cash on waht I have, almost 2000$ with shipping and windows XP pro SP2 OEM.


Just wondering.. in BIOS I've enabled OS/2 because I have over 64MB DRAM I think.... thats the same as SD RAM right and whats OS/2.. same thing as OS (opertaing system)/???

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Re disabled it right after, figured it ran fine before it so meh. Reweired the USB to the right onboard usb and the front USB's work now. Took out back 120MM case fan in antec and installed the sound peice and it works beautiflly... reinstalled fan and all is well.


I must say this DFI board is a superb peice of workman ship, some tryed to deter me from it since it was my first build but I wouldn't hear it and Im glad. This thing is just plain wonderfull. Everything now working 100% as it should save for a few minor tweaks. I think im missing an Ethernet driver as the bottom ethernet port works but the top one give no net at all???


Now all I have to figure out is how to properly mount my dvd drive in this antec P-180 and perhaps reroute the wires a wee bit better.


Once again, a very very nice board. Can't wait till I have this CPU burnd in and can use some of the more advanced features of this DFI.

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