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Power Supply Question

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That transformer thingy, whatever you call them.

It was sandwiched right between the 2 heatsinks.


That can't be good, if that sucker heats up, it's gonna warp or melt the plastic that covers the wires on that transformer.

And then the thin coating on the wires on that.

Which in turn will make the transfor useless.

Then since it's close enough, it might unwind and bam, 100v+ to ground...

That's kinda spooky.




The only issue I see with them in general, is that they are sorta cheap with the connectors.

A good solid, soldered connection is the way to go...


There was a guy in here once that plugged a pci-e cable into the psu backwards, just because he was able to and did'nt know the diffrence of the ends.

I don't know what psu that was.

But it killed his brand new video card :.

That's why I'm iffy on those moduler's, before this it was only the connection I was worried about.



As for the native 24 pins...

Like RG said, wires are direct to the psu.


It's like the gauge of the wires, thicker is better, even if it's thin wire but a bunch of it(which is even better in some cases).

If you limit the thinkness of the wire all the way down to the mobo, and then split the wire at the end, it can cause problems.

Normally you'd think, hey, what does it matter?, it's only 12v max.

Well it does matter, it matters a great deal.

You can overload those cables easy, and it'll cause you nothing but headaches trying to figuer out what the heck is going on with your rig.



That psu also used a no name cap brand that I've never heard of.

That's probably not good.

I would defently not speak highly of that psu, even if it did work allright, the layout and pcb work looks like garbage, so does the case(yuck...), no name caps, very bad location for the transformer thingy, defently a psu to stay away from.

Not even worth a try I think.

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The only issue I see with them in general, is that they are sorta cheap with the connectors.

A good solid, soldered connection is the way to go...


There was a guy in here once that plugged a pci-e cable into the psu backwards, just because he was able to and did'nt know the diffrence of the ends.

I don't know what psu that was.

But it killed his brand new video card :.

That's why I'm iffy on those moduler's, before this it was only the connection I was worried about.

Absolutely and that's why for example Hiper earn some credit for making very solid and good connectors between the PSU and cables. Their design makes it impossible to make a mistake.


In this rig a have a non-modular – working great – with cables that loooooong I could tie them around my case. On the other hand it's testing my imagination of how to best arrange the cables inside my case.

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In this rig a have a non-modular – working great – with cables that loooooong I could tie them around my case. On the other hand it's testing my imagination of how to best arrange the cables inside my case.


Hehehe those Epsilon cables are long aren't they...great for people with cases that need them though (like my Antec P180).


Join the Epsilon revolution! :D

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If you want a PSU that you KNOW will boot your Expert board ...


If you want a PSU that you KNOW will run 2x 7800GTX 512s in SLI mode with RAID drives, and all the other goodies ...


If you want a PSU that you know will deliver clean, stable power to your Expert board ... even when the PSU is hot and loaded ...


My friend, you have one, and only one, choice ... and that's a PCP&C 510W ASL (or a bigger one ... but that's overkill, IMHO).


I have one; I run one; I have three more 510s in other PCs I have built. I have had no problems with any of them.


My Expert board has had none of the boot problems listed in these forums; I have had none of the 12/07 BIOS problems (it's a big topic on it's own); I play WoW, EQ2, and Eve-Online for extended periods ... reliably, which means NO crashes (but I am not overclocked anywhere).


If you think 510W is a low output rating ... that's 510W of continuous, clean power with 34A on one +12V rail and 38A on the other at 50C (a very hot PSU temperature).


And no, I don't work for, nor am I compensated in any form, fashion, etc. by PCP&C. I am an opinionated !#$!#$ though ... :)

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If you want a PSU that you KNOW will boot your Expert board ...


If you want a PSU that you KNOW will run 2x 7800GTX 512s in SLI mode with RAID drives, and all the other goodies ...


If you want a PSU that you know will deliver clean, stable power to your Expert board ... even when the PSU is hot and loaded ...


My friend, you have one, and only one, choice ... and that's a PCP&C 510W ASL (or a bigger one ... but that's overkill, IMHO).


I have one; I run one; I have three more 510s in other PCs I have built. I have had no problems with any of them.


My Expert board has had none of the boot problems listed in these forums; I have had none of the 12/07 BIOS problems (it's a big topic on it's own); I play WoW, EQ2, and Eve-Online for extended periods ... reliably, which means NO crashes (but I am not overclocked anywhere).


If you think 510W is a low output rating ... that's 510W of continuous, clean power with 34A on one +12V rail and 38A on the other at 50C (a very hot PSU temperature).


And no, I don't work for, nor am I compensated in any form, fashion, etc. by PCP&C. I am an opinionated !#$!#$ though ... :)



I was (and now am again) actually seriously considering that psu (pcp&c). The reason I got the x2 was because I got a deal on it as a combo w my case and I read 5 or 6 reviews that touted it as a good psu now Im starting to regret my desicion :(

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I was (and now am again) actually seriously considering that psu (pcp&c). The reason I got the x2 was because I got a deal on it as a combo w my case and I read 5 or 6 reviews that touted it as a good psu now Im starting to regret my desicion :(


Check this out:




I had this PSU before and now I have the 1KW one. Angry himself told me that the 510 is a better choice than the one i have right now...lol He knows his stuff and if he took the time to help you, just be thankful for the advice... AND USE IT! For myself I can vouch for the PSU. Make sure you get the SLi one though...


As far as your Ultra goes... there's always Ebay!


Enjoy the build!

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