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CNPS 9500 and naked opteron?

Guest Synchronize_merged

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Guest Synchronize

Hi guys i just wanted to know if anyone has a naked opteron and a cnps 9500 zalman. The reason why i'm asking is because i'm contemplating removing the IHS of my opteron for better temps. But i'm worried that the cooler might crush the core by it's weight.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated thx in advance.

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Guest Synchronize
Im pretty sure the zalmans work fine on a lidless cpu..


But Id like to ask..


Why risk taking it off when you have a cpu that does "Opteron 146 CABYE 0540 FPAW ([email protected])".. ??


How high are the temps ??


That's the thing you see, smartguardian and MBM seem to be misreporting my cpu temps. They are showing as high as 70c on load! So to be on the safe side i thought taking the IHs off and using my new cooler would give me some peace of mind. I also heard that the IHs on the cabye's aren't placed very well but that's just a rumour.

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If you're talking about being on the safe side you don't really want to take off the IHS, could go very wrong, instead touch the heatpipes or so to check if the temps really could be accurate.

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Guest Synchronize

Well i scrapped taking the IHS off idea and just installed the zalman with a perfect application of As5. Everything seems sweet, but smartguardian is still misreporting the temps. What basically happens is it will say 37c idle and as soon as i start prime torture test the temps jump literally from 37c straight to 57c. Never seen anything like it lol, so i know it's gotta be wrong. The same happens when i click stop in prime just in reverse i.e. from 60c it'll drop straight to 40c.


I think the cpu temp sensor must be fubar. :confused:

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I would recommend that you lap the Zalman HSF before you put it on the cpu!! MY Opty idles at 30C and goes to 48C under Prime Load which is a very acceptable and comfortable temp!! Also make sure that AS5 is applied in the right quantity cuz too much AS5 can cause temps to be reported wrong(Know this from experience). Last thing to do is make sure you have a bi directional air flow to the HSF. I have a 120mm fan behind the HSF and one on the front of my tower!!

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Guest Synchronize
I would recommend that you lap the Zalman HSF before you put it on the cpu!! MY Opty idles at 30C and goes to 48C under Prime Load which is a very acceptable and comfortable temp!! Also make sure that AS5 is applied in the right quantity cuz too much AS5 can cause temps to be reported wrong(Know this from experience). Last thing to do is make sure you have a bi directional air flow to the HSF. I have a 120mm fan behind the HSF and one on the front of my tower!!


Way a head of ya man, AS5 was applied with only a small quantity. About the size of a grain of rice. Only applied it to the center of the IHS directly above the core spread evenly.


Also i have two 120 mm fans, one is blowing over the chipset and SLi in the front of my case, the other is ontop of the SLi(sitting on both vid cards). This really helps to keep chipset and gfx card temps low as the vid cards are at 42c/60c and the chipset at 37c. Then i have three 80mm fans exhausting out the back. Thx for the advice though appreciate it :)


But as i said about my cpu temp sensor being messed up, is there anything i can do to fix it? like replace the sensor or something cos the other temps that are being reported look spot on, chipset and PWMIC. I could use a probe i suppose?

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umm only thing i can recommend is to find a sensor that can be placed in cpu socket which hooks up to a display!! I have my X-Navigator case from Aspire that has a wire sensor that you put under the cpu and the readouts show on the little LCD on the case.

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Guest Synchronize

Yea ive been using something very similar but i was wondering where's the best place to put it? Cos i tried two places, one was underneath the heatsink next to the socket and the other i placed ontop of the socket where it says Socket 939 right in the small gap and then placed the HSF directly ontop. This method works to a certain extent but load temps were'nt even going above 38c and that was with my old crappy akasa cooling, which can't be right.

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