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new build 4 led no post RMA?

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Ok I've pretty much gone thru a few hundred posts to try and solve this on my own.

Followed initial build suggestion.

reset Cmos.

ect ect ect any suggestions.

Ram good

everything else new

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it could be the ram i guess but oh yeah tried a single 256 value ram i had lying around, no go.

With 4 led's lit do you really think it's the ram?

Board or CPU in my opinion. I'm new to DFI and OPTY's but have built and overclocked before. Funny thing the only reason I'm building new is my 2.6p4 system took a dump on me a few weeks back. Same thing with it no post, either board or CPU there just haven't got anything to check them with. I just figured I'd buy a little 40$ dollar board to test later when I make a MAME box.


I am totally at an end, I know these boards a finniky but come on.


ps thx for the suggestion Exrodie I may go to my fathers hous and steal and borrow some spares he has.....

any other suggestions would be appreciated.

And RMA info as well from any who know.....if that's what it comes too.

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did u bought your material brand new

a DOA amd is possible.....i guess.....and a DOA mobo also.....

did u mounted your rig outside the case?

in had issues with a stand off left from the previous mobo and i had the 4 leds....i suppose it was shorting the mobo.....

good luck

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Ok I've pretty much gone thru a few hundred posts to try and solve this on my own.

Followed initial build suggestion.

reset Cmos.

ect ect ect any suggestions.

Ram good

everything else new


Did you try your RAM in ONLY the orange ram slots, not the yellow ones. I couldn't (can't) boot my board with ram in the yellow sockets.

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did u bought your material brand new

a DOA amd is possible.....i guess.....and a DOA mobo also.....

did u mounted your rig outside the case?

in had issues with a stand off left from the previous mobo and i had the 4 leds....i suppose it was shorting the mobo.....

good luck


If CPU is DOA the 4 leds shouldn't all be lit.

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4 led means power searching for CPU right?

3 means found CPU


4 could be either MOBO or CPU from what I've gathered.




Yes outside the case bare minimum build.


Ram in orange single and dual. Good in another board. Very good ram 2 years back. recomended in OC forums when Mushkin Black BH5 became scarce.


as for ram ADATA from OC forum :In considering Hynix...don't overlook Komusa HyperRam offerings. Lots of guys were getting good results with their Adata branded Hynix but once Samsung TCCD hit the scene the Komusa stuff sorta got forgotten and overlooked.


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Right now, I don't think you have enough "known" good hardware to even start trouble shooting.


I'd hate to see you start RMAing before you test other components. Is there a local shop you can bring the parts too for some swapping around?


Before you go any further try this with a 24 hour clear...


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I'm on a 24 hour cmos clear right now and will let you know.


Hey thanks for the offer CDPMF! I'm in North Phx. Deer Valley area. I would really appreciate testing the board and CPU with your parts. Shoot me back with a number I'll PM you mine in about 30 minutes and maybe I will have to buy you a beer or somtin for the help. :nod: :D

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